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Need a musician!


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Hi everyone! I'm sending a call out for a musician, to lend music talent to my productions every now and then. For example, Tierra de los Muertos currently needs... two pieces. :)


It'll mean composing about two or three pieces of music every two months, about a minute long each.


You'll get a free copy of the final CD, of course, as well as whatever makes it into the supporters pack.


My undying gratitude as well. :)


Post reply here, or e-mail me please!

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For Tierra de los Muertos the main music style is south american. Banjo playing, maracas, things like that. Downloading part 1 and part 3 of Tierra de los Muertos will give a good idea of what's needed.


Pretty much I need to replace the existing music in the middle of them with something close to that. Because the existing music is copyright. :)

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