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Adventure Developer(s) 2 open for business!


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Yep, AD is finally back, and has gained an 's'. But otherwise, we're back and better than ever. AND! Not only that, but we have actual content, a first for us at AD.

The main thing would be Tiller Techniques 2, as well as reviews, previews, a game directory, and if you're nice, a contest, with prizes. Oh yes. Don't say we do nothing for you.

Anyway, go looksee and love us, because :


Adventure Developers Loves You


(any similarity to any other well known phrases involving 'Love' and 'You' is pure chance, really, it is)


that magic url, with added s-ness, is:





(thanks to marek at adventuregamers for letting us use his 's' idea thing)

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Hurray for AdventureDeveloper(s)!


I noticed that there are also a couple of new games too, and I like the fact that the look is very non-mojo (Not that I have anything against the mojo look, it's just that change is good).


I'm having no trouble logging in though, none whatsoever.

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