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Saber Usage


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How do you use this thing? is there a mod or something that will let you practice on? what about moves? i'm sure just running around and swinging this thing like a frikken retard, the way i do, is NOT the right way to go. I want to learn properly. Anyone got any hints or tips? I would like to play on the ProMod servers instead of the 1.04 servers. I've read it everywhere that the sabers suck in anything after 1.02.


Hopefully some of you pros out there will be able to help this saber swinging n00b.



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Well, no dought 1.02 was great. I still play JKII even though its not 1.02, it seems to me that 1.04 is more like 1.02...


..anyway, I found that going around in servers, duel servers to be exact is a good way to learn how to play. I never read up on anything to learn how to saber combat. If you notice, most of this is about timing, and what attack you use. Get good with all the saber stances, I feel that using blue for lunges, yellow and red for actually hitting. Some people here will most likely discribe the stances more, and how you should attack. I always tell people to just get timing down, and try to hit their sides. I don't depend on Red special at all, nor the Yellow one.


What i'm really trying to say is just go to servers and see what people do...the winning people. ;)

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Thats a good Idea TK. I have found that for me, just playing and practicing with all the different styles is the way I learn best (IMO) But thats not to say other people will, "to each his own" my motto.


I find that if I can go to a server where people are cool*insert plug here* (Hermes Place:D) They will show you diff moves and styles of playing. I will usually go to a server and just observe for a while. I will follow the one person who is winning the most and see what style he/she uses. Try those out when playing. Most of the good saberist use all the styles and know when to use them.


My .02 cents...




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