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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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I'm still right here - I've been working hard on rebuilding the body - I'll post some screenies when it becomes a tad more complete.


Oh, I have some news about my next model - it's going to be Pricness Leia, with jsut about every costume she wears in the movies. My focus has changed a bit since I recently joined Team Assault. I'm going to finish the Anakin model as planned and then start doing some modeling for the mod.


For those of you who haven't heard of it, team assault is a mod that plans to implement some class-based modifications. Right now, the team's most notable contribution to the community was the Jetpack mod that was released about a week ago, which will also be featured in TA. I can't say what I have seen in their internal beta, but I will say that what they have so far is downright revolutionary - some of the stuff that is in the mod will completely blow the jetpack away.


Please note that my involvement in Team Assault WILL NOT slow down the release of Anakin - if anything it will speed it up. Right now my current assignment for the project is to finish the model and make it look as good as I possibly can.


As for Maul, he does remain a possibility, but if so, it would be pretty far down the line. Cheshire's model is very well done, and I'd like to do some characters that haven't been done (Leia, Mace Windu, etc...) before I do ones that have already made so well.

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Originally posted by -Tercero-

As for Maul, he does remain a possibility, but if so, it would be pretty far down the line. Cheshire's model is very well done, and I'd like to do some characters that haven't been done (Leia, Mace Windu, etc...) before I do ones that have already made so well.


I agree. I like cheshire's model very much as well. There's no need for a comletely new Maul model. But it does have some little problems, like the arms deforming. Maybe, if you want, you can do a little update of the model, the same way Cheshire made a V2 out of Sithlord II's Vader model. That one came out really well. I love the new caps on that one.

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You're right, morphius_doh - there is a hole in the model there - the color you see is actually the background showing through. I just deleted a few polys to make things easier to edit, no big deal, but that collar has been completely scrapped in favor of a remodeled one anyway. The new collar looks a hundred times as good - it isn't even textured and it already looks better than the old one.

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Jessman, an EU Jedi Leia is a possibility, but I'm trying to get more content from the movies in before I focus on anything EU. Still, if the Jedi Leia costume isn't too far off from one of her other costumes, or if I think that I can use it later, I might make an exception. So I guess get me some pics and I'll make a decision.


Oh, back on topic, I've got the center torso done and am working on the arms of the remodeled body. The polycount has increased slightly in the torso, but I plan to make it up in the arms and hands - the original version had a lot of unneccecarry polys there.


I might post a few pics when I get to his belt, but right now it's still in a fairly preliminary state, so pics at this point would be kinda pointless...

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Jessman, what time period or what series in the novels and/or comics does Leia start dawning a Jedi uniform of any sorts? I've looked at almost all the novel and comic book covers and this is the closest thing I could find that indicated she was a Jedi.




This should at least give Terc an idea of what her hair and face look like, as well as most of her sabre.

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Morphius, that's actually a great picture. The pictures I have are from Dark Empire (comic series). When she wore the black robes. I always thought those robes looked cool on her. Remember, she wore pretty much exactly what Luke wore, asside from the fact that her cape had a different hook thing in the front. You'd know what I meant if you saw it lol. I'd post the pic but geocities is down and my clans photo album isn't finished yet. But Terc let me know if/when you want those eu leia pics... Lol probably in the wip Tercero - Leia thread lol. But I would be greatly intrested in seeing Leia in those robes... And they're something people could use to make more female Jedi skins (with which we more of). Just a suggestion. :) Take it easy fellas

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