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WIP: Tercero-Anakin Model


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Okies, after a few tries at making the hair from photos, I decided to just paint it by hand. Here's what I came up with:




Or, if that link doesn't work...






Oh, as far as my progress on the model, I've really just started the preliminary skins, and the model is still being tweaked. Seeing this in game is probably still pretty far off, I'd roughly estimate at about a month to complete the base model and skin, and then whatever time it takes to get it in game. If people want, I could release a beta before I finalize the skins, but I'd prefer to finish the product before I release it.




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the hair looks great Tercero, and I don't know about the eyes, never noticed anything odd about them, but if anything just play with the color a little, remember, its your model, do with what you like with it to meet your satisfaction, usually a modeler's satisfaction meets that of the general public's. if anything, start working on the rest of the body, and if you think of something for the face do it, but definitely take your time. a model rushed is a model wasted.

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his eyes are a bit big and too far appart, look at this pic (the lower one) http://www.mathus.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/anakin_2.jpg and compare it ot this http://www.geocities.com/anakin_tercero/anakin9.txt


compared to the real actor the model......

-eyes bigger and far appart

-hair a little different color

-skin lighter

-sideburns different (smaller)

-the ear has a weird shape at the bottom of it, not round type


I know that you can't model exact replica but maybe those few things can be fixed on him :)


doing a great job so far, thumbs up

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Looks very good so far! Great work!


What I'd suggest is making the eyebrows a bit bushier, moving the eyes overall a tad down, and making the hair on top of his head a bit flatter. Also, I'd recommend shading the eye's white a bit darker, that's particular about Anakin's head, his eye sockets sit very deep, therefore it perhaps should eb shaded a bit more. But very, very nice work!

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Another model to cry at by it's greatness! This a "Holy Good" Job! This is lookin so real, it's scary!!!

Btw, you people that can't get those geocities pages to work, try taking off them http://www. part. ;-/ That usually works.

Again, superb job! Nice with the hair too. :D

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Originally posted by MaTT[-FcG-]

Ive found a great pic of his face!




As you can see in the comparison pic here:http://www.mathus.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/anakin_2.jpg


your model is making him look a bit too old. He hasnt yet got a jaw that long and low - its still pretty high up. And his nose is also sticking out to much, in the picture, his nose starts further in as it rolls off his eye socket and thn folows your shape. And the end isnt really sticking out that much either. Once you tweak these it will look PERFECT.


Hope that helps.


EDIT: Also his chin isnt that big and doesnt have that much of a dent in it. For the size of it, you may aswell not put it in as it makes it look a bit weird.

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actually what might help is make the chin area wider, because you can see the line in the anakin2 pic of the jawline, and it isn't far off from the photo, but between the two, other than the fact one is looking more at an angle(photo), it might help a little if the chin area was widened (just a tad), but that's only for those who want it to look really good, or better Ishould say.. Its already looks great. Keep up the good work tercero.

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Tercero - some people have been asking me to drop in here and offer my help skinning this model. I have done the old Anakin skin based on Galak, which was rather popular, and, until the project was more or less dropped, was in charge of skinning Librarian's Anakin model.


If you would like help with skinning, particularly the face, I am more than willing to help you out. But again, only if you want me to. I don't want to intrude or take your work away from you, so if you don't want my help, just say so. But if you do, I'll gladly help.

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