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i need some help setting up the new LFJA server


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i am using jedi runner, but when i press ok to start the game, the console stops here:


Writing jk2mpconfig.cfg.
Hitch warning: 4685894 msec frame time
Resolving masterjk2.ravensoft.com
masterjk2.ravensoft.com resolved to
Sending heartbeat to masterjk2.ravensoft.com
Hitch warning: 2571 msecHitch warning: 28118 msec frame time
frame time


and i want the server to run jediplus 4.3, but i cannot seem to configure that either:( some help please

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Ok first off jediplus is a nightmere to get to run right but thats just a tip.


Here is how to setup jedirunner to run a mod:




Folow the directions that I laid out. They were endorsed by the maker of Jedirunner so you know its right.


Good luck!:D


Also make sure that you have enought bandwidth to run the server. A slow dsl connection with 128up will not do the job. You nedd a min of a 384up connection and a decent cpu and ram amount to run a server for jk2.

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