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Help with the new NVidia drivers!!

Hris Chaave

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I have a GeForce 4, 420. I run windows me and have dual outs (one for monitor, one for s-video that I run to my tv). When I install the new detonator driver pack, everything works fine but my tv out. The desktop shows up on the tv, but if I have mediaplayer playing something like a cartoon lets say, the picture doesn't show up. The mouse and everything moves around on it, but no movie. Anyone that knows whats wrong please gimme a hand.

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Make sure to go through all of the nview tabs to make sure that you "outs" to the monitor and the tv are correct. Also win me might not be too stable with the newer drivers. If you can obtain a "copy" of xp upgrade to that for much better quality for your tv out and games. Sorry I could not help more but you may want to check tomshardware for some help.

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