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The pics look good but, if I, humble moaners, can complain, two thing seems strange to me :

- the explosion look weird, I don' know it doesn't fit with the design of the rest of the picture

- the explosion doesn't seem to cast shadow or light on the wall but i'm not sure of this.


Apart from that i'm impressed by the style/

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It looks good, though I wouldn't have guessed from this still that the orange thing is an explosion. (Is it?)


I hope the game as a whole turns out as well as the artwork. I can't wait for the playable demo.



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Yeah, I'm not satisfied with the explosion either. It's not the outlines that's the problem, in my opinion, because I'm not using outlines throughout the game either.


I think the explosion looks better when it's in motion but still not quite good enough.


I've made another scene today and I'm a bit more satisfied about that one. Here's another screenshot:





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Originally posted by Igor S1

Yep, i'm definitely looking forward to Bad Timing :)

Any news on demo?


Thanks :D


Well, I've got material for a demo but I'm the kind of guy that is never satisfied and so I keep changing stuff time after time. I've been through six EGO's already and some rooms have been redrawn 3 times. :o


I'm afraid to release a demo too soon and that the quality could've been better.


I think I'll release a demo when the entire project's at 35% completed or so. How long that takes? I have no idea... :confused:



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Originally posted by Erwin_Br

but I'm the kind of guy that is never satisfied and so I keep changing stuff time after time. I've been through six EGO's already and some rooms have been redrawn 3 times.


Hehe, sounds familiar. I have often the same problems :)


Anyway, i really hope the demo will come out soon... I need a new cartoon-adventure fix... now! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, the first image really inspired a lot of thinking. I've already made up a little scene in my mind.


The game is gonna play on board a space ship, isn't it? I'd love that. You don't get that many sci-fi adventures. The commercial Orion Conspiracy and the Star Trek adventures are the only ones I can think of. edit ... and Space Quest, of course.

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It's going to be a comedy scifi adventure, but not a spoof (like SpaceQuest was)


Around 35% of the game will be on board of a ship, indeed. Other locations include some different planets, earth in the future, aboard a huge space station and much more.



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