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Cantina 9-The Last Hope


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Kur: "Actually I was waitng for more people to help knock out those guards, theres not meny... I count 10 sets of foot steps including the one with the different set of boots... Odds are allot better 4 to 9, 10 being the one we actually get to unlock it for us... and us knocking him out..."

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*Rwos starts his ship and flies right through the attacking tree as its branches move out of the way in preparation to strike. A couple fist-branches hit his ship on the way, but none of them do any damage*


If the trees on this planet are that dangerous, I'd hate to see the actual wildlife...


Oh. My. God.


*The interference with Rwos' scanners suddenly rocketed up. But that wasn't what Rwos had seen to startle him so badly.


What he'd seen was the hull of a gigantic, pale red crashed starship; smoke still curling upwards, half crumpled from the impact. But that wasn't what had shocked him, either.


What had shocked him was what he recognized the ship to be.


The Gallyava! Here? Oh, this is bad. Very bad.


*Rwos landed his ship and got out. As he got closer to the smoking hulk he could see dead, green bodies*


Very, very bad.

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*Odin was reading a book, when an officer comes into his quaters with information.*


Odin: Fine, send a message to Cracken telling him to advance his schedule, give him the latest information about the CSII. Also execute the secondary planes.


Officer: Yes sir.


*Shortly after Odin's decsion a valkyr leaves a message for Cracken on his computer, leaving no trace that she was ever there.*




*Around the same time, muffled voices could be heard down the corridor from the cell Deac and the others were kept in. After a minute or two a guard and a woman walk towards their cell. The guard opens the cell, whereupon the woman injects the guard knocking him unconscious.*


Valkry: Me lord had ordered me to set you free and deliver this to you. *Handing Flax a disk* This contains all the information you will need to launch an attack against the CSII. The other guards have been taken care of. However, it won't be long before their disappearnce is noticed. I suggest you hurry. The rest of your escape is up to you. *to Flax, and Deac* An old friend sends his greeting and whishes you the best of luck.


*Without another word the Valkyr turns and leaves. It seemed like she was never there*

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RH Irvine: "I feel the presence on his ship, a few of them, One of them might be one of our partners... Hold on..."




Kur: "Alright lets get out of here!"


*Kur jumps up and takes one step out the door before he stops dead in his tracks...*




RH Irvine<Kur? Is that you I sense?>


Kur: "Hey! Deac, Orthos, and uh, Flax was it? Some one is talking to me throught the force, its one of my buddies... He's a strong fellow..." <"Irvy?>


RH Irvine: <Yes Its me, whats going on?>


Kur: <"Myself, Orthos Starkiller, Deac Starkiller, and this Flax got caught by Lokpehit, we all lost to him, how ever if we all fight him together...">


RH Irvine: <Not yet, I want you four to stur things up in there to distract them all so me, Sir'Gui and a few others can get there. We do however need you to make sure that we can get into thier hangers>


Kur: <"Alright"> *turn to group* "Hey, I have friends comming, our best is going to be with them, He asked to stur things up here to give him time to get here. Also for that to happen he says he needs to get into the hangers..."




RH Irvine: "My people are very reliable. We shouldn't have much trouble getting there..."

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*Alarms begin to sound. Orthos looks worriedly at Deac2*


Orthos: I take it's that doesn't mean lunchtime?


Deac2: 'Fraid not. So just what is goin-


*The corridor at the end opens. Lokpihet enters the room*


Lokpihet: So who is it, oh yes, my force-blind brother, a Rebel General, some Jedi and...my trophy.


Deac2: Are you talking to me Beh'nat?


*Lokpihet face turns red with rage at the insult hurled at him in old Atredian language*


Lokpihet: You're just a clone! The original Deac Starkiller is dead! You are a soulless reminder of my victory! Victory over even death, by the same process that fabricated You!


*Deac2 almost begins to weep, but then uses the force to pull Lokpihet's lightsaber from his belt and activates it. He charges toward Lokpihet, who activates a second saber...*

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*Kur also force pulls his Light Sword from the weapons locker, and ignites it...*


Kur: "Round two Lokpehit. This time, I'm not going to hold back... Well its kinda hard not to, since your outnumbered at least 3 to one..." *Looks at Orthos* "... Or maybe four?"

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*Rwos cautiously advances on the smoking ship*


Well, that explains what was interfering with the scanners.


*cautiously touches the green body lying in front of him*


Dead for some time, now.


*catches site of trail of footprints*






What in---


*Rwos dodges behind a tree as a group of men and women emerge from the other side of the forest. They all wear the same uniform; light gray skintight bodysuits with dark gray coats, gloves and boots. They carry a pack of scanning devices*


Oh NO. No. Shadows...

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[i read that article too, Battledog]


Lokpihet: So what? The weapon will fire in 10 minutes unless I get up there to deactivate it. And what can you do against my powers...nothin-


*Deac2 roars in rage and charges at Lokpihet knocking his saber out of his hands. He then begins to beat at his face, swearing violently as Lokpihet struggles to get him off*

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*Above the world of Utgard five Aeserian warship drop out of hyperspace. Dropships are immediatly launched. The Rescue of the good Jotun had begun.


Five dropships landed into the compound where their target was being held. Five teams of Einherjar exited the ships, 1 stood guard as the other four entered the building. Taking the Jotuns by surprise the resistance was minimal.


Entering the room where the child was being held, the Einherjar saw they had arrived just in time. The Child was bloody from being beated over and over again. The good Jotun was also half starved to death. Picking up the child, two Jotuns appear in the door way. The First fell to a sword thrown by one of the Einherjar in the room. The other Jotun retreated only to die at the hands of another team.


Falling back to the dropships, The teams see twenty dead Jotuns, who apparantly tried to attack the ships. The Dropships immediatly take off as soon as the last Einherjar is aboard. Docking with the warships, the Aserian taskforce begins jumps to safty. Just as the warships jump, the Jotuns finally manage to scramble their meager navy.


The succeful raid resulted in only a few minor injuries. The child was being taken to Vanaheim to recuperate*

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*Rwos quickly dodged from tree to tree till he reached a hiding place from which he could observe better*




*The men worked quickly. They prepared to set up a warp field around the smoking ship*


Not good. They wouldn't have sent any low-level untrained new recruits after a prize like this. I may be able to take them...but I may not.


*Rwos hurridly debated this in his head as the Shadows activated the warp field around the ship. In an instant, the decision was taken out of his hands.


He'd put a scanner on his belt, set to scan for the particular alloys that made up Deac's cyborg body. Despite the interference, he hadn't turned it off, just in case.


That was the very same scanner that began beeping at an enormously loud volume in the instant that the containing warp field went up around the source of the interference signal.*

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*Deac2 is held back. Lokpihet gets up*


Lokpihet: As if I'm going to tell you that. Fool.


*Deac2 launches himself onto Lokpihet, who takes everal more blows before he activates his lightsaber. Deac2 falls down dead*


Just a trophy...


*Deac2 spits blood in his face and dies*

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Kur: "You just strengthed my resole, Lokpehit..."


*Knowing that by wielding Saber would be more easier to swing, and block. Kur extingishes his Lightsword, and picks up the saber from the second Deac's hand. In that instant, Deac's body disappears, like a Jedi's would... Or was it??* ((;D))


Kur: "Alright, Now Im not going to hold back..."


*Kur calms himself as a small, and not as big as the white haired Irvine was, releases his power, thus allowing him to fight full power! Kur re-ignites the saber...*


Kur is really one of the weaker one of my bunch, they all just know how to hide a great portition of their powers ^_^




*The second's deac's body floats limp in a single beam of light in what seems in an endless void...*



*A set of glowing figures resembling eyes appear in the darkness...*


???: "Ahh, the sole that one of avatars choosed to help. He can be useful to me... Although this exact one didn't have that avatar. He is still strong..."




RH Irvine: "Aw, great! We have to get out of here now! Kur's about to fight Lokpehit, he just released his full power..."


*The Shuttle's engines ignite.*


WH Irvine: "Well, I'm guessing if i don't get on, I don't ever at all..."

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[OOS: Scar, you shouldn't really do what you just did to Deac2...but I'll let it pass...might be interesting]


*Lokpihet grabs his own lightsaber and deacivates it*


Lokpihet: Go ahead. Kill me. The sequence ends in 3 minutes, and only I can shut it off. As Coruscant dies, so I shall be reborn...




*Deac senses strange beings around him, then...*


Rwos. He came back...he came back...for me

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Flax: Kur, you will leave him to me!


*Flax says this with enough authority for Kur to visibly shrink.*


Flax: Lokpihet, do you wish to die. Deactivate the sequence and I will spare you, or don't and I kill you. I'm sure you know I've killed Sith before. I killed Cracken.

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Deac, I believe what I have planed, you shouldn't be disappointed...


*The second Deac remaining to be floating in the void. Now a second pair of glowing eyes amerge...*


???(2)(demonic sounding): "You requested me..."


???(1): "Yes... I've hear you can get in contact with our little friend Craynor, do you not?"


???(2): "Yes, but what do you wish to do with him?"


???(1): "Oh, I have something very important for him, I have learned recently that he managed to start something with a mortal..."


???(2): "A mortal? Why do you care so much about a mortal?"


???(1): "Craynor might have somethign going there. How ever it seemed that what ever Craynor did to this mortal, he never quite finished with it..."


???(2): "What does that have to do with this soul here?"


???(1): "It has much to do with it, I created this soul by coping the orignal. From there, how ever this one didn't remember anything really happening, he however had learned the skills and abilities learned and used by his counterpart... By me sending him to Lokpehit, and having him die, is that first part of my plan...""


???(2): "What does it have to do with that mortal Craynor played with?"


???(1): "It does everything. It's been centeries since there was a time of darkness in the universe. With this soul, after we adjust it to our needs, have Craynor finish his job with that mortal and a few of our own enhancements, Odin won't be able to touch these too."


???(2): "How do you know that Craynor will co-operate?"


???(1): "I was thinking about allying with him..."


???(2): "Are you sure...?"


???(1): "We do what we want. It's our job to help keep that balence of darkness, so that those who are allied with the powers of light don't get too powerful... And he does the same too..."


*the second set of eyes disappears...*


???(1): "Yes... Perhaps I should have someone stur things up..."


*Another beam of light appears, and an mystical sphere which rapidly shown various powerful beings in the universe, until it stopped on a beast like creature chained in a well gaurded room...*


???(1): "Prefect... I know Odin has some trouble with this creature, which he never destoryed. It'll open a part from this Deac and that Mortal to come up behind and stab odin in the back, and the three will finish the rest of those Aesir... ha ha ha ha ha..."

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((OOS: A few big problems, Scar. I don't like having to give stuff away about my characters, but I guess I have to in this case...


Let me just say there is no way they could possibly know anything about Craynor. Especially not his plans. No one, not even the Aeges, know what he is. He is more powerful than the Aeges; more powerful than anything in this known universe, except there's only one of him; there's more than one of the Aeges, etc; and the powers of darkness that he lives for are limited in this dimension compared to the powers of the light. Thus Craynor is overmatched. But it doesn't have anything to do with his power.


This was established way back in the end of Cantina 6. (Except, I never explained the light and dark connection I believe)


(btw, "pathetic excuse for a being" denotes they are more powerful than Craynor, who is at the very limits of godmode, (it's the way I use him that makes it not godmode) and if these guys think he's "pathetic", they are, well...)


besides, like I said they couldn't know that much about him to judge him pathetic (unless you mean in his actions, in which case I digress), not even the Aeges know more than a bare minimum ;)


???(1): "I was thinking about making him one of us... I believe he's done enough to desurve a nice small position here..."


???(2): "Are you sure...?"


???(1): "We do what we want. It's our job to help keep that balence of darkness, so that those who are allied with the powers of light don't get too powerful..."


Thaat doesn't make sense. The way this universe is set up, there's the Aeges on one side/Powers of light, Craynor/some of the Aeges/Powers of darkness on the other. As for the organization you seem to have planned, others already hold their explained purpose (Craynor - note that the "Creature" simply speaks for him)


So essentially, what you're doing is the equivalent of saying...*tries to think of an analogy*...that there's, say, a more powerful organization than the Aesir holding back the Jotuns, and the Aesir are just aspiring for their job; or, that there's higher avatars than the Starkiller/Darkstar couple, and those two are only aspiring for their jobs.


Change or eliminate mention to Craynor, and think of a better job description and I think you're fine ;) (actually the job description can stay if you want, of course, but IMHO it's pretty iffy)


Since this is really early for me to be posting, please disregard any grammatical/spelling errors I might have made :D))

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Ok, i guess i could say that they claimed that craynor was pathetic becuase he starts thing and doesnt finish em, how ever with your permission (due to the fact I haven't gone soo far deep reading through cantina 6 (well at least up through 5 ^_^), that maybe these guys hwom I just came up wiht, are more of the beings who watch, and set things to make them happen, later i'll get more indepth with that one...


I was going to name these guy's spectars, which are quite powerful to begin with. How about this idea: "aeges are basically the ones whom are alligned with the light side, and the spectars are the oopsite, whom onces was apart of those beings, now after several millina, now things are more of a cold war betwene the two? (one tries to not the other get too powerful, thus needing the new age of darkness that ???(1) called for, (odin, and all the good guys, and all the bad getting lesser and lesser)



(my hands are cold ^_^ (theresmy excuse for my typing :D))

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((A: First, not all Aeges are exactly good. Take the god of hate who created the Darkstar.


[Okay, what I was trying to say (incoherently) earlier, that it was established in Cantina 6 that "Craynor" is the single most powerful known being in this universe. But a strong fighter can certainly lose to a weaker fighter, especially if there's a whole crowd of them. That's the analogy here. Craynor may be more powerful than one, maybe two, maybe twenty Aeges, but there's alot of Aeges (more than twenty). That's why they're settling for the "chess match" they have right now. In an all-out fight, they could very well destroy each other...and in any case, neither side knows they would win if it came to that.]


The Specters could be from another dimension (perhaps one that was destroyed?) like so many of my characters.



Ok, i guess i could say that they claimed that craynor was pathetic becuase he starts thing and doesnt finish em

If they have that opinion on Craynor, they can't really be very old, because they're thinking in that particular state of mind. Note that long-lived characters plan with always the future in mind (ref: the Aesir, Craynor and the Aeges, etc) and will set things in motion now that will bear fruit later (hopefully) because they know that they have that time to wait.


C) They couldn't have been a part of the Aeges, because they're nothing like them. Besides, considering you don't know the history of this universe, you really can't do that reasonably =/


(That's why I suggested they be from another dimension.)



If you want literally all-knowing beings, though, you're going to have to read everything. Just the way it is. ^_~


Two last problems:


our little friend Craynor


Can you explain that a bit? They know Craynor?


"I was thinking about making him one of us... I believe he's done enough to desurve a nice small position here..."


You need to explain why Craynor would possibly want a nice small position 'there'.))









*Rwos runs through the forest. He weighed fighting the Shadows with rescuing Deac...and the latter definitely came out on top. The fact that his attachments here could be causing him to shirk his responsibilities nudged the back of his mind, but he suppressed it.


The beeping grew louder until it crescendoed and stopped as he reached a clearing...with a body lying in the middle, bloodied, and battered.


But...is he...alive?




*On Coruscant, Ida's beeper alerted her to the fact that Rwos' comlink was now available*


That's strange. He has been messaging me, but it says here there was a signal block...in this dimension, how is that possible?

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red, check your pm's

Deac: How'd you know that these guy's didn't put 'em there :D


*Ravan in his quarters, door wide open. Ivan comes and notice's Ravan packign his belongings...*


Ivan: "Leaving are we?"


Ravan: "I can't be a Surpreme Councilman anymore. Not with my past..."


Ivan: "It doesn't matter a thing. No one else will speak up about the matter sense you stand by me..."


Ravan: "I know I'm loyal to you, thats why I'm leaving..."


Ivan: "Well your long over due for a vacation... How about you take that time to think about it..."


Ravan: *sigh* "Alright..."

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