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Welmin's Cantina


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((You just passed them, my worthy apprentice. :vadar: Bestow upon you the rank of Sith Lord, I shall. *bestows upon Rythe the ultimate title of Dark Lord of the Sith.*))


"I wouldn't know who'd be doing such things. All we should do is wait and see what comes our way.

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"Thank you Master, you have been a great Master, it's been an honour."


"I llok at Apo, what do you mean, 'keep an eye on them?'

We are one messed up bunch, we have Sith, Jedi, Merchants and Bounty Hunters. Even Boba Fett visits sometimes"

"So you better watch out for yourself, because as far as I'm conserned, I don't care."

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Quick to retaliate in defense of Rythe's words, I activate my lightsaber quickly pointing to the Adam's Apple in Apo's neck.


"What was that?!?" I snarled. Although I was a little ticked off, I calmed down a little bit, and deactivated my saber.


"No, you're not worth killing anyway.........."

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"Well then," I spoke,"all bets are off. I'll keep my hands off you if you do the same for me."


I then look to Rythe,"It was good being a sith and all, as well having a well-trained student, but now we part ways.......at least, for a little while......."


Rythe looks to me as if I'm off my rocker.


"Yep. Goin' strictly legit. Good-bye to the Dark Side, if at least for a little while. Tomorrow, I am no longer a Sith. Until then.....ciao....."


I walk into the back room of the bar, getting myself some pure, clean water.

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I sit there just looking at him.

I leave the bar disgusted at my former Master.

'Maybe it is for somesort of mission?' I think.

'I don't know...'


I get to my ship and a guard approches me and says that my ship has been taken to customs, for evidence in the assult againts Lance.

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Without even thinking about it I leap into the air and force pull the guard towards me flinging him into the air.


I then go and retieve my ship from customs.

I start my ship and land it in the customer landing bays behind the cantina. When leaving my ship my comlink sets off.


"I'm so teribly sorry but you will pay for destroying my cyborg!!!, say goodbye to your ship Rythe!."


I escape my ship just intime.

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Apo runs tpward the place of the gaurds and uses the force to lift them back up


Gaurd:O thank you sir what can we do to repay you?


Apo:Just supply me with backup or Parts from time to time





Apo walks in to the cantina again And sits."I figure i will have to deal with you alot more...."

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Topshot's force regeneration time in the back room expires. He returns, feeling refreshed and renewed. Though he was only mostly Jedi for a short time period, he did feel a pull from it. He fought the urge by venting his rage out on the broken cyborg. He then sees Kilmor staring at him.


"Ugh, sorry. Had to do it to regain my full strength."


He then looks around the cantina. His head then turned to Apo, and asked,"Where's Rythe?"

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Just then, the door opens. When Kilmor turns to see who it is, his eyes go wide and he chokes on his ale. Something is shockingly familiar about the newcomer.


Kilmor, in his old body, is standing in the doorway.


Kilmor (Not the guy in the doorway) leaps up, knocking over his ale, and ignites his lightsaber, ready for a lightsaber duel. He's heard too much about clones to not figure out that most are evil if made without the host's consent. And this one definetely wasn't.



(((I thought it might be nice to bring a new enemy into the picture...:D )))

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"Wtf?!?" Topshot yells as the doors bust off their hinges. Now he'd seen everything. Two Kilmors: one, youthful reincarnated good guy, the other, his past form, this perhaps was probably evil.


As if that weren't enough, another Topshot strayed in. ((decided to do the same. :p))


Me:"What the crap?!? Who're you?"


my clone"I'm you, only 3 years younger, and I'm here to kill you all!"


Me (thinking):Damn. First an old version of Kilmor walks in, then this guy. It's AotC all over again!


me: "Well, you may look like me, but your personality's totally all wrong. As a wise man once said,'There can only be One.......'"


my clone:"So true. So very true. So very true it makes me sick!"


I flip forward and activate my lightsaber, as does my clone.

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Apo turns "Droid!"His droid turns and fires a beam at them and freezes them"Ok out"The droid takes them and leaves them out side and the fight was on"Well that worked now the next thing would be-"Apo was interupted by a voice


Voice:"So we meet again...."

Apo turns to see him self


Apo(Thinking):The essence of the dark side is back!


Apo:Indeed(((Btw just look at Life of a Jedi RPG for details)))


Apo takes his saber out



The droid takes them out


Apo:Lets do this!

Andi it was on.....

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