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How many civs should SWGB2 have?

Admiral Vostok

How many civs should SWGB2 have?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. How many civs should SWGB2 have?

    • SWGB2 should have more than SWGB (10 or more)
    • SWGB2 should have about the same as SWGB (7 to 9)
    • SWGB2 should have less than SWGB (6 or less)

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Crazy_dog: It's nonsensical to put unbalanced civs in 'just as a challenge.' If people want challenges, they can make hard scenarios, play 1v5, or something like that. The devs shouldn't have to make a whole new civ just to challenge some bored experts.

But wait, now you want to balance it. Well, that wouldn't make it a challenge civ, would it? :confused:


Anyway. I'm up for Ewoks as a secret civ. They're cute, cuddly, and absolutely pathetic in pitched battle, but most people would like a taste of them... so we make them a fun secret. Not a whole civ.


Fergie- Finally, another Vong supporter. Although I'm not too sure about the Chiss and the Hapans... I haven't seen much stuff on the Chiss, is there more in the later NJO? (I've only read up to Balance Point)

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I like the idea about the Ewoks being secret. Once you finish the game they could be unlocked. They should NOT be balanced, but could still be available in multiplayer. They would not be easy to win with, in fact it would be nigh impossible, just as it should be. But they would be fun to play. Winning isn't everything.


As for pure EU civs like the Vong and Chiss, they should not be included, and if the good people at LucasArts have any sense they will not be included, simply for the reason Sithmaster said.


So my civs would be exactly the ones we have now, with a secret Ewok civ. Any new civs introduced in Episode III to the extent of at least the Royal Naboo should also be included. Wookiees should remain, simply because apart from maybe the Ewoks they are by far the best known Star Wars alien. Most people know what a Wookiee is, almost no-one knows what a Trandoshan or Mon Calamari is.


And can people please start spelling Wookiee correctly.

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Originally posted by SE_Vader_536

i say these civs work the best:


1. Republic

2. Cofederacy

3. Wookies

4. Rebel Alliance

5. Galactic Empire

6. Royal Naboo

7. Gungans

8. Trade Federation

9. Ewoks

10. Mon Cal.

11. Hutt Cartel (maybe)



Kamino's and Trandoshans are too insagnificant for civs.


Hey great list!:) I agree with EVERYTHING u said.


CroonSec- I did say they should be balanced in 1 of my later posts.

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That is another reason why. Crazy dog, the whole idea of the secret civs is that they would play "differently" and more than likely have far fewer units and not "standard" units. You cant have that in MP, but in scenerios and SP, they would be fine. I also think the comp in SP shouldn't be able to play as a secret civ because then they would have to make a whole lot of AI files and also the same reasons as above

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Purely EU-civs, and I'm not suggesting many, won't have that much of an impact on sales. There will still be plenty of canon civs. And that's what you'll see on the box and on ads. The way you people are talking, it's like I'm planning to make an entire game out of Vong and Chiss. Well, I'm not, and nobody is. The canon civs will still be a majority.

We need some new civs. I doubt that many factions worthy of a 'civ' will arise in Episode III, but if they do, it will only be 1 or 2- only worthy of an expansion, like CC. The EU civs are our perfect opportunity.

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I think the comp should. You could kick some Ewok ass that way !

yeah?! why cant we kill them? just like we killed the gungans.

Oh, yeah, I forgot that the people who play the game because it is a strategy game left awhile ago. Along with the people who understood balance and AI scripts. I guess i just still have high expectations:o

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Originally posted by CorranSec

Fergie- Finally, another Vong supporter. Although I'm not too sure about the Chiss and the Hapans... I haven't seen much stuff on the Chiss, is there more in the later NJO? (I've only read up to Balance Point)


Vong are a great unique civ. If you want uniqueness this is the civ. Besides...people can learn who the vong are and there might be a wonderful database.


There is TONS on the Hapans. Courtship of Princess Leia, many of the Children of the Jedi books include tidbids about the Hapans because of Teniel Ka and in NJO they are featured in several books. Also some of their ships can be found in the Ships guide book and there are more made in NJO.


The Chiss are starting to become more promonent in NJO and very soon I think they will commit themselves fully to the struggle against the Vong and then we will see more of their unique technology. So far we've only seen small bits like the ClawCraft, but soon...yes...very soon.


BTW, EU is the best. It is many times better than the Prequels and in a few cases is better then the trilogy. If you don't read EU, I really do pity you because your missing out on the real Star Wars Universe.


Also do we really have to debate ewoks? Planetary bombardment and goodbye ewoks...and guess what...nobody in the galaxy cares. Endor is a nondesript average planet (moon if you want to get technical) in a huge galaxy. Plus it is way off the trade routes. That's why the Empire selected it for DSII.

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Give me a casual fan or gamer who know knows what the Hapans are. I sure don't.:confused:


Ewoks- Yes we do! Let's go through the pro's and con's:



Seen in movies, unlike something u were suggesting;)

How else will gamers get to exterminate them large-scale in a DM or RM game?

Ton's of info available. Agreed, not as much as others, but enough to make a civ.



Realism issue- wood burns

Realism issue- small and fragile Ewoks

Balance issue- Same as other civs

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The EU r00lz! and so do the Movies. I think they need to have at least an EU Xpac, or like a big patch to download so we can add it as a civ.


The current civs are fine for GB2. Jus add the Vong and an Ep 3 civ with the current civs and I', happy. I personally dont think there will be an Ep 3 civ cuz I believe it is basically the Republic, Confederacy, and maybe the Empire. What else could there be?

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

The EU r00lz! and so do the Movies. I think they need to have at least an EU Xpac, or like a big patch to download so we can add it as a civ.


Most EU, with a few exceptions, sucks. I mean, they killed off Chewie, made up some TOTALLY contradictory crap about R2 and 3PO and made all the "background characters" equal to Han and Vader!

And a Jedi who can turn into a tree! WTF?

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For me, i would like to see in SWGB2-

01. Galactic Republic

02. Galactic Empire

03. Royal Naboo

04. Rebel Alliance

05. Gungans

06. Wookies

07. Confederacy of Independant Systems

08. Trade Federation

09. Hutt Cartel

10. Black Sun (as a Hutt Cartel enemy)

11. Yvang Vung (maybe)

12. Ewoks (maybe)

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About your civ list, Windu:

01. Galactic Republic- Yes

02. Galactic Empire- Yes

03. Royal Naboo- Yes

04. Rebel Alliance- Yes

05. Gungans- Yes

06. Wookies- No, for reasons stated in the Kaminoan thread.

07. Confederacy of Independant Systems- Yes

08. Trade Federation- Yes

09. Hutt Cartel- Yes

10. Black Sun (as a Hutt Cartel enemy)- No. The Smugglers Union are a much more important and fleshed-out civ, and would provide a great enemy of the Hutts.

11. Yuuzhan Vong (maybe)- Yes. No maybe, yes.

12. Ewoks (maybe)- You must be joking. As a proper, powerful, military, balanced civ? No. But as a fun, unbalanced, comical secret? Yes.


Just include the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant, and it's perfect. :)

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