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Running on no sleep?

ET Warrior

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Well, I only got 5 hours of sleep last nigth because i was up till 5 playing Halo, and i'm not sleeping atall tonight because i have to help take my sister to the airport 80 miles away at 3 AM, and then it's new years eve.......so it kind of got me wondering how long some of the fellow swampies have gone without sleep?


So what is the longest amount of time you have gone without a wink of sleep?


I think i'll make my record today......i'll have around 34 hours of sleeplessness.

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I've been up for at least 3 days 'n nights during the times in the army. That's what...72 hours?


In the army we had certain weeks when we were ordered to guard the garrison. During those weeks you got a maximum of 3 hours of sleep per day. Just enought to keep you going.


I hardly ever sleep more than 6 hours per night anyways.. but I guess that shows. :D ... :(


Brb. Need coffee. Coffee is my friend....my...Precious. :joy:

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I would have to say that the longest that I have ever been awake staright up was 25. I was at my friends house and we were just playing around play Grand Theft Auto III while at the same time runnning Op's around the neighborhood. It was fun but as soon as I got home I just went to bed like a baby when I hit the bed. I could probally go longer but I have contact's so I wouldn't be able to do much.



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Welcome Prometheus2k3. :D


Have a bucket of :maize: on me right now since there really isn't anyone else on right now that gives gift's around here.


Don't spam is the first rule. Don't flame is the second. And third is make sure that whatever you post here is approriate and can be read by any memeber.


Other than that have fun here man. You should get some cool gift's in a couple of hours.



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I work a graveyard shift (11pm-8am). When I first started working this shift it seemed IMPOSSIBLE to fall asleep in the day. I didn't know how anyone could do it. I think it was a week straight before I actually was able to go to sleep. The trick to working graveyard is to make yourself so you are soooo tired that you just finnaly crash out and don't care if its sunny outside. :p

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I've had about 36 hrs with about 30 mins to recharge the batteries, then again I was about 16 at the time, so it should've been expected!!!


Did about 40 hrs for the final day at school, didn't sleep at the party, so was still without sleep the next day at school, as well as full of alcohol..

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