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Young Emperor clone

Garik Loran

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I've finished my skin of the young Palpatine from the Dark Empire comics. It's is based on the Ep1 Obi-Wan model by Toonces and team, but I think it is nearly perfect as the Emperor's clone.




You can download it here

or visit my small website at http://www.jo-files.tk/


All webmaster are allowed to add this file to their website, just don't link directly to my site, causes too much traffic.

I hope it will be uploaded to JKii.net and JK2files.com, so get it from my site and upload it, it's too big as an e-mail attachment.

Have fun.

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I concur, actually. The hair does seem a bit off compared to the rest of the skin. But it is indeed really freakin' cool. *sigh* I'm so happy! You've made me the happiest girl on the pla...wait a minute. I'm not a girl. Oh, god. You made me the happiest girl? Ahhhh!! *runs and hides*


Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no...hey! I got boobies! Woohoo! Nyah, nyah, nyah!*








*I did not really turn into a girl, and I do not actually have boobies. This was all a joke. Joke, joke, joke. That is all.

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You're right with the hair.

It looks different on a monitor with other brightness and contrast settings, and that's what I had when I made this skin.

Now I'm back home and have MY monitor, and I agree, the hair needs some tweaking.

I will edit that and make an update to the files and the link.

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