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Wtf man,

Well first I do NOT see any models of LoTr or maps. Second of all, The site has nothing of the sort of any downloads. Third of all I think you said that YOU made them so please for a non-uproar please post that. Sorry if i seem like a ass just qlike to notify of things. So does anyone see downloads?

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have you asked these auothers for there permision to use these models? becuase.... and i tried a couple of them in-game...all the ones i tried were just skins, Aragon=Reskin of the exar kun model, Legolas=Reskin of some guy with a cape i cant reamember the models name...

Knight Of Gonder=Reskin of the Ki adi model

Ringwairth=Reskin of the palpatine model

and if i had to say so i wouldent call these good skins... the ideas are good enough but the skins are pretty crappy.... my opinion anyway:)



hi supremepain ,... damn i cant contact you anymore :( not on MSN, PM , Email , .... so i think this would help : (dont get mad)


i realy must talk to you again


your friend,


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