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Favorite Alien movie


Favorite Alien movie  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Alien movie

    • Alien
    • Aliens
    • Alien 3
    • Alien Resurrection

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Aliens is my favorite. :) Best story, action, suspense, horror, and humor, it was great. I dont really care for the others especially Alien 3 and Resurrection :snear: Alien was nessesary to begin the story, and thats fine. It was good considering the day and age it was made in but I still dont really enjoy watching it. Purely a suspense horror Alien is and for me it gets old after the first time. But its still needed for Aliens to happen. Heh I guess some of you could use that same analogy for TPM. Anyways I love Aliens. The Colonial Marines and Ripley vs queen at the end, cant beat that! :thumbsup:

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I did not vote, if there had ben an other or all of the above

I would have. Alien was the very first movie I ever got into

under age, and I went to a midnight showing of it

and was scarred to death when I came out.


Aliens was by far a fun rockem sockem fiend fest

where you got story plot action and humour.


Aliens 3 (the thing I liked most about 3 was)

the sceen where they are at the funeral.

it exemplifies completely the way things are

and the way things should be

and also the truth about our institutions,

and corporations and captialistic way of life.


the warden (authority figure) on the right side of the law

is able to deliver a eulogy from a book, like a greeting card

a one fit all solution. used any time society deems it neccessary

and yet the bad man the rapist and murderer delivers

a beautiful soulfull eulogy which moves the heart

and tries to encapsulate the loss of life and individuality

and all the while in the background

another life form losses it life to the machiavelian scheming

of the company.


and Alien Resurection

the cast in that was amazing

and seeing that guy with his harry back

(no special FX)

man that was the scarriest thing in the movie.

but Ripley was so cool in that.

acid for blood hightened alien sences

takes a metal dumbell right in the head.

and the lab scene was so chilling real

considering todays research and patending

of the human geonome.

and the experiments of some at cloning.


I like all the ALien movies

(i even saw ALien once in french)

and that was hillarious

the sceen where the one actor is looking

for the cat jones. in the original movie

the actor goes heere jones, here jones

and he makes cat noices like when we

try and call a cat actual cat like sound FX's

but in the french version the dubbing actor's voice goes

'in french where is jones meow meow.'

just the word meow meow, not any attempt

at making a cat sound. that was so funny.

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Aliens 2.


The Colonial Marines were just such funny muthas....


The comedy was just great.


And the final sequence with the powerloader - haeve ALWAYS wanted a Quake III mod that could emulated that....


Ahhh.... Melee combat with a fiftenn foot tall xenophomorph during THAT time of the month - whats not to like!

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Originally posted by Clemme w/Stick

Wheres the "Theyre all trash" option?!

I dont like those movies and I never have, so I guess I think that theyre a bunch of trash! Sorry, but thats what I think!




Ouch that was a bit caustic there clemme.


My personal favorite was Aliens. They successfully made Ripley the classic heroine, and demonstrated that the Alien species could easily overpower testosterone and technology by sheer number and determination. I hate to say it, but it was a true James Cameron classic.

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Originally posted by Clemme w/Stick

Hmm, sorry for that! It wont happen again. Well, that was my opinion...! Thx for telling me Groovy, and it wont happen again..


*leaves room*




Whoa horsey, hold on there I didn't say you couldn't share your opinions. I just happen to be a fan of the Alien Legacy, so i'm jaded. :D No hard feelings bud. :)

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Damn, I hate it everyone says what I want to say, I want to be different god damn it! :mad::p


Yeah, Aliens rocked. Ripley was just BAD ASS and the b1tch fight at the end was a joy to behold. You gotta love my favourite quote from that film:


Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?


No, have you?






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I remember seeing this sketch show... one of their sketches was of Ripley walkin through one of those corridors (with the eerie feeling) and she's just pickin up all these weapons as she goes along, and by the time the aliens find her she's fallen over from the weight of all the weapons she has :lol:


Then it cuts to Darth Vader cutting a birthday cake with his lightsaber and kissing an admiral... O.o don't ask me what that's about lol

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Originally posted by JediNyt

Yes and to make sure it doesnt happen again we understand that if the topic of a thread does not apply to you or interest you then do not post in it, that is pointless, what makes people think they have to put their 2 cents into every single thread regardless of anything? This is a generalized statement not targeting anyone in particular.


Aight. I'll remember that, thx d00d!


*Starts deleting posts here....*


*leaves thread*



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I'm a fan of all of the Alien movies.....I own the series on dvd. :) My favorite one is the second one. There are several reasons, such as the ones mentioned.


I also want to add my .02 about the comedy in the second one. It was funny! :D Bill Paxton was just great. He had some great one liners in the movie. "Maybe we got 'em demoralized" :giggle1:

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The marines in Aliens are probably the coolest group of people I have ever seen/read in the Sci-fi genre, discountiong Star Wars.


As mentioned before, they provide great humor, and showed the audience a weird sense of companionship.


Of course I can’t talk about the marines without mentioning Bill Paxton, and the amazing job he did. This quote by his character, Hudson, sums up Aliens.


“That's it, man. Game over, man! Game over!”

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The first one was the best. But then I probably say that because I was around when it first came out. Aliens was great but it was just a tad too mainstream for my liking. Alien 3.......peh! is all I have to say about it. Resurection? Great....up until the ending, then it just went to hell. Why can't they stay with the original story? I mean I've read the novel for the first one and according to that, the alien was laying the eggs and not a queen.



Originally posted by leXX

Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?


No, have you?


Heh! Yeah I liked that one too :D:D:D:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

which one is the one where they go with an entire army division to a place where only a little girl is left?


i liked that one the best... especially the part where the aliens were all over the place .... at least on the scanners.. but they were not in the room..... i LOVED that part!.


-Wraith 8-

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

which one is the one where they go with an entire army division to a place where only a little girl is left?


i liked that one the best... especially the part where the aliens were all over the place .... at least on the scanners.. but they were not in the room..... i LOVED that part!.


-Wraith 8-


That was Aliens, the 2nd in the series, and IMO the best one.

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Originally posted by JediNyt

Yes and to make sure it doesnt happen again we understand that if the topic of a thread does not apply to you or interest you then do not post in it, that is pointless, what makes people think they have to put their 2 cents into every single thread regardless of anything? This is a generalized statement not targeting anyone in particular.



What post did I miss? What did he say to warrant such a response? :confused:

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

What post did I miss? What did he say to warrant such a response? :confused:

Its all been deleted.


Aliens had the perfect balance between suspense and action, with a little bit of horror. Ive heard that Aliens versus Predator the movie will be in the making soon. I good idea I think but Im concerned that theyll blow it. The Alien crowd may not go for it since Alien Resurection didnt do well over all.

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  • 1 month later...

I enoyed both Alien 1 and 2, but didn't think much of 3 and 4. Aliens was a great action movie, and the SE edition is a must-see for the extra 20 minutes of content. I agree with everyone about the humour in it...James Cameron did a great job of following in Ridley's footsteps. The original Alien was just great, a visual feast with lots of tension.


I hope they don't seriously consider a 5th in the series...because they should have left it at 2.

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