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The Kyle Katarn Fan Site


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Hey, I was GunganWarrior750 at SW.com and that was my AOL email before I switched to Katarn07. In the Jan Ors section, it says this info provided by GunganWarrior750. I would appreciate it if you would switch it.


And if you need prrof, go to SW.com's forums and search for a thread posted by me a looooong time ago called: I am GunganWarrior750!!!


I'd appreciate it. Can't wait to see the new content. ;) It'll be great.



And that fanfic I said I'd write is not going anywhere... :(


*** Still in the Valley? Mods here are slower than in the Swamp... Oh well. When can we expect the entire site to be back up Alehal, with the new content? When it is, I am sure it will be considered the ultimate source for the DF/ JK series...

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Originally posted by Katarn07

That might be why there are errors. I can go through and proofreed (not tonight, but gradually over the week) however, with all the content your getting, spelling errors are trivial... ;)

better hope spelling/grammar doesnt matter, especially if you "proofreed" it. "your" not all too great at that it seems. :p :p

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I'm not even going to attempt spelling what I want to to avoid more flaming. (Nothing bad, begins with a "t", used in fencing, probably has an accent on it some where...)


Proofread. Better? I gave a link to the site to the DF mod web guy, The_One, so if you get that up and running soon (I have no clue when soon is) I am sure he'd put it on the top ten DF links...

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Thanks for all your support :)


If you find any spelling errors, and you feel that it is important to correct, please send a mail, with the correct spelling :)


Im not sure when the site will be finished, but i am working with it, as much as i can...


Any help, Fan Fiction, Fan Art, Humor or whatever you want to send me is very appreciated.


Once again, Thanks...

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I'll attempt to snap some shots from both the opening cutscene after level one and the final one where he utters my favorite line... "The Force is strong Katarn..." That is after the last level. Can't promise. DF is a DOS game and I may not be able to run the program to snap screens...


*** Hey, mods, can this get moved to the Swamp?


A) Alehal will get more feed back and suggestions.


B) Belongs there


C) Easier to get access to (rarely come here... :rolleyes: )

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I'm sorry about that Vader picture comment, I didn't mean to sound like an *******. It's just, with all the pictures of Darth Vader on the net, I though there would be another one. The site is really good, though. It's nice to see a site devoted entirely to Katarn. BTW, who's fan art is that?

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