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Red Faction?


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It's a good, solid shooter with plenty of gameplay. Buy it if you're into Half-life and other good singleplayer experiences.


The graphics are... err.... efficient, as I like to call that kind. Not bad, and it's got a neat gimmick (you can blow walls with explosives) - but it isn't really beautiful in any way.


Story is nice, though I wouldn't call it captivating. But you shouldn't concern yourself with that much anyway, in my modest opinion.


Overall, I liked it because of its diversity - you go through mines, canyons, spaceships, research stations etc. There are also some sneaky missions if that's your thang.


As for cut scenes - not really. If I remember correctly, the only cutscenes in it was the intro and the outro. Go figure.


It has my recommendations.

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I got bored with it really fast. The geomod tech grew old quickly and was implimented very poorly, many the levels were boring, It didn't make me care for the guy I played as and the story isn't mapped out well. If you can buy it really cheap, try it out.

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Originally posted by {BK}SupremePain

cool i was thinking it was like a 100 Kr.... does it have multiplayer?


Yup, but don't count on it having a very thriving community.


I tried multiplayer once, but it was laggy, and frankly, not near the feel of the singleplayer, where you're crawling around and having wicked firefights.

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

I've never played HL...Tell me about it :)


HL i one of the greatest FPS of all times, al least the PC version....PS-version may be different, but the essence of the game is the same.


The story is really good, in my opinion, a common scientist starts an experiment, including other dimenson voyages, and he gets involved in a journey, full of big monsters and stupid colegues:D


I really enjoyed the game, i played several times and i didn`t find it boring, u might discover things u did´t check last time u play. (like where is going that damn G-Man:mad: )


The graphics has no matches for today games, but it has a nice ambience (?):D


If u have the money and like FPS games, buy it:)



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I enjoyed playing Red Faction on PC. It may not have been completely innovative, and it does have flaws, but it's not a bad game, IMHO.


GeoMod is okay - it could have been implemented better. There is some humour, like attaching explosive to enemies and see them run around...or running over them in a vehicle. The graphics are pretty similar to Half-Life. The story's okay... There are a couple of annoying 'sneak' levels that don't really fit...but you do get to drive a Drilling Machine, a Jeep, a Submarine and an aircraft in some levels. There were a few sections where there was not enough to do...but there were also some good firefights. The railgun with 'see-through-walls' ability was fun.


It wasn't as good as Half-Life, but it was a decent FPS nonetheless. If you can pick it up in a bargain bin, give it a whirl. ;)

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