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The right to commit suicide


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When you give up on your life, when there is too much stress, can't handle it no more and decide to blow your brains or jump off a building I think that's wrong.


But I do believe you have the right to die to an extent.


For example Euthanasia (assisted suicide).


Personally, I think everbody has the right to chose there own destiny and it's conclusion if they are fortunate enough to have the opportunity.


If a person wishes to die when there is no hope of recovery and life is an endless blur of pain and misery then that is their decision not mine until such time that I am in the same position.


If people don't want euthanasia then sure that is their choice.


But I have no intention of living till I am nothing more than a vegetable sliding into oblivion. If I contract a debilitating or painfull disease, then I don't want to live in a continual drug induced stupor. Life is mean't for "living", it is not to be "ecked out" to please some religious nut or doctor.


When my quality of life no longer meets my expectations, euthanasia will be an option. I hope by then I will be allowed to do it painlessly and with dignity. I hope self-interested people will not do me the indignity and injustice of interfering with my right to die.

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For the record, disconnecting life support (LS) isn't euthanasia. If the only thing keeping you alive is an iron lung, and you ask to be taken off it, that's your call, and it's not suicide, assisted or otherwise. You'll die a natural death of whatever's got you screwed up.


I think if I was living on LS with no chance of recovery, I'd say what I had to say to anyone I had something to say to, and have the plug pulled.

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Originally posted by Nitro

For the record, disconnecting life support (LS) isn't euthanasia. If the only thing keeping you alive is an iron lung, and you ask to be taken off it, that's your call, and it's not suicide, assisted or otherwise. You'll die a natural death of whatever's got you screwed up.


I think if I was living on LS with no chance of recovery, I'd say what I had to say to anyone I had something to say to, and have the plug pulled.


He's saying that if he contracts a painful, debilitating disease that is guaranteed to kill him, he wants to go, even if he's not yet on life support.

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Everyone has the right to make their own decisions, whether they want to kill themselves or not. They should, however, think about the results of what may happen if they do decide to "cut the line."


Life only comes to you once in this world. It is best, in my opinion, to live your life to the fullest.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Heh, life is hell, kill themselves, go to hell.




My point exactly, why religious people are terrified of killing themselves.


Religion manipulates and sedates people, it's no news. During the dark ages, people were content with their crappy social status, because religion told them it'd be alright in the end, that they'd be rewarded for enduring pain, and that violently rebelling was a sin.


It's no coincidence it's called the opiate of the people.


BTW, I'm actually curious here: Does committing suicide automatically, no questions asked, send you to hell in Christianity? I mean, what if you've been a good Christian all your life, but you just can't take the last, agonizing sickness that you know you won't live through? Hell as well?

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Suicide is always a bad thing. There is no such thing as a right to take suicide, because, well, their life isn't just theirs, if you see what I mean.


It's no coincidence it's called the opiate of the people.


Quoting Marx, are we? I might mention that Marx meant it was important to improve their lifes, and not to get rid of it.

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i was thinking about this recently, i think that every should have the right to decide whether they live. its their life so why should they be made to live it?


but at the same time i think that nearly everyones life is worth living and you should never ever ever think about it unless there is serious reason to - which would be highly unlikely. if you do commit suicide you waste your own life and effect other peoples lives so it seems quite a selfish and unthoughtful thing to do.


im not sure about the religious aspects though. i consider my christian but im not sure about my things about my faith.i think that God can forgive everything and so i dont see why suicide would be too big for God to forgive. i also dont like to think that people who commit suicide go to hell for personal reasons.


its hard to tell whether euthanasia is the correct choice in any situation because the person may not actually wont to die but their condition may make them say they do. i also think that you shouldnt be able to say whether you'd want euthanasia to happen to you before you die because you dont know what it would be like to be in that situation. this is a topic im just not sure about.


in a summary, there should be more help for people contemplating suicide so that they have guidance and can think straight before they do anything stupid. somethimes it takes just a few words of advice to make people see properly.

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Originally posted by Zulu

do you think that people should have the right to commit suicide?

I got a school prodject on this topic. Just wanted to know what your opinions are.

yeah its their life they wanna end it then let em. i just hope they dont take others with them.
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Everyone should have the right to commit suicide at least once. :p


Suicide is always a topic that creates debate. The main problem, obviously, is that most societies of the world have a general taboo, usually relating to religious beliefs. Not surprising, since religion was the "government" of early society. It still is in many societies. Governments tend to set rules for how people live and die. Laws also exist that make suicide illegal and, although one can't exactly be charged with suicide if successful, it does have lasting effects upon things like death benefits.


There's also a deep tradition of suicide in many cultures and societies. The Japanese, for instance, are famous for Sepuku and Hari Kiri as well as Kamakazee. Native American nations often had ritual suicide, usually centered around honor. In fact, "honor" is the main driving force of suicides that are acceptable within various societies.


There are also accounts where people have "given their lives to save others" in situations that were described as "suicidal." I can't think of any factual examples right off the top of my head, but the folklore is present in modern day cinema and literature.


I think Obi-Wan 13 would agree with me when I say, "suicide is painless." ;)



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Well, some people may have different perceptions of what is a good thing. If I have a terminal disease that is going to put me through 6 months of agony as my skin rots off of my body, I think that killing myself would be a pretty good thing. I mean, the alternative certainly isnt...


Also, there are a lot of things that arent "good things" that are allowed. Smoking, for example... It's all a matter of choice.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

uhm cuz its their life and they should have the choice of doing it just as you have the choice to come on the internet. duh.


But in 99% of the cases the suicider would have regretted the suicide if he could. To not allow suicide is to help the suiciders, not to make it worse for them.

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