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What would yo like in JK2 EXPANSION PACK

Sarafan Raziel

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As you know, Jedi Knight 2 expansion pack in under construction... and as such I'd like know your opinion what should be implemented in in and what should be improved.


In JO I didn't like poor storyline, actors who played the most important roles, and the look of our main character!!! In the next JK I want my foes to fear me! I wanna be even darker than Kain himself (Kain from the Legacy of Kain series). I hate when my enemies can do things which I cannot!

If any of you played one of the Legacy of Kain's games then you'll propably know what I mean about poor story, bed actors etc.

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really i didnt know they were making an expansion pack for JKII,

will it cost anything or will it be free?


i would like to see new force powers, a better multiplay, more skins, really good skins that look like they are from the movies, more levels, one that would explain what happans to Tavion, maybe.

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I've read it on jediknightii, check it yourself (now it in update archive I guess).

I call it expansion pack becouse I'm not english - perhaps I should have use different word. Expansion packs are never for free (eg. Age of Empiries 2: the Coquerors is an expansion pack and you have to pay for it).

If Tavion even appear in this pack, I'd like her to play her role better; the same comes to Kyle and all the others! I want better dialogs! Better storyline! Nicer locations! New (or old ones from JK and MoS) force powers!

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This is from a few months ago. Apparently there is either an expansion in the works, or more likely, a sequel.


This has been discussed at great legnth in the Valley


Posted by ChrisC3po on 1/23/03

... Execs at the company mentioned in passing that a sequel to last year's Quake III engine powered first person shooter Star Wars: Jedi Outcast was in the works to be released in their fiscal 2004 time frame (April 2003-March 2004). Since this was mentioned in an Activision conference call, it suggests that the sequel will once again be a collaboration between Activision and LucasArts. HomeLAN contacted original Jedi Outcast developer Raven Software (which is owned by Activision) but was refered to Activision's corporate offices for an official response. The Activision rep has so far not gotten back to us with a statement. A spokesperson for LucasArts would not comment on what the Activision execs said today when asked by HomeLAN.


Recent word from several emails reveals that TheForce.Net, a Star Wars based website, has also confirmed that Activision will indeed be making a sequel to its QuakeIII-engine powered Jedi Outcast Game. Whether or not it is an expansion or a standalone game is still yet to be revealed by LucasArts.


During its quarterly earnings conference call, Activision revealed a few of the projects that will factor into the company's 2004 fiscal year. The company has plans to release a new game based on the Pitfall Harry property, as well as a sequel to Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast for the PC... - GameSpot

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Sounds interesting!

Personally I would like to see a sequal, I'm not into all those expansion thingys. So I guess a sequal would be very nice, maybe something along the lines of a RPG/FPS. Well, I guess that we all have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully a press release will come, and get the fans notified...!



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I would also love some cooler combo moves, and overall just neater moves.....like......running up a wall to stand on the ceiling and then jumping off the ceiling to stab your saber down into the head of your foes.....that would be wicked awesome!

Or if you're surrounded by enemies to be able to twirl 360 degrees and decapitate all of your foes!


And i want decapitation on always....i want the saber to be more like a lightsaber, you chop the enemy, enemy dies, or loses a hand and falls down in pain, and then you finish the job. With boss fights they should be able to take more punishment...as they are bosses.

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Oh boy. Aren't these threads popular nowadays!


lookie here!


and here




and here..


*yawn* ... and here...and...


I for one do not want to be a Ultrapowerful Megaforce Master of Total Destruction who decapitates a billion stormies with a single spinning Supermove of Doom. That is so....playstation. :D


I want depth. I want a good storyline. I want real cutscenes. I want non-linearity. I want options. I want a balanced MP where people don't whine and moan constantly.


And keep your hands off "the Force"! No crystals. No vallies. No silly beams. No Suncrushers.


No "I'm going to destroy the whole universe and the all other universes too with my <insert stupid gizmo> 'cause I'm a total bad-ass"- schemes.


No stupid puzzles where you end up doing completely irrational things and saving the universe(s) simply because your random shooting happened to cause a short-circuit in some little thingie controlling a hatch somewhere and letting you advance to the next level.

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Yah... It really is popular.

Personly I would't like it to be rpg like... I'd rather like bigger levels, better storyline - not so linear! Also what I've seen in the Soul Reaver 1 was preety cool - no loading times - I could always choose my way, return to the old ones and the climate ... it was outstanding... I know that no loadings would require totally different engine - GexEngine, but an idea is still very good.

I don't like people like jedi speaking like a drunkers, or the simplest being in the world!

I love the idea of mission for both sides - imperial and republick! I want more accrobatic moves avaible for kyle (or another main character).

Those who make JO sequel or expansion shoeld play a game like Soul Reaver to learn how to make good dialogs and a good story!

The game should be much longer than JO! I don't mean extreemly difficult, but longer - bigger! Also what I loved in JK1 were cinematics - real movies! I want them back!!! They add much to the climate and everything else!

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yeah, all that sounds pretty good, my main complaint was, was that the story was too short, and that u really didnt go to any really cool places, bespin was good, yavin was cool, but i sort of got tired of looking through 4-5 levels for the doomgiver. and i think there should have been more bosses. 3 isnt enough, u need at least 5, lightsaber battles are cool. the game did have good graphics though..... at least i think they were good, depending on ur system.

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I'd like to see officially supported dual sabres.


Better weapons. Some of them sucked (like that damn bowcaster).


New force powers. Maybe ones that emphasize sneakiness (mind trick sux0red) more.


A class based Mercs vs Jedi. You know, one that works. ;)

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You could weild a lightsaber while standing when you press the walk butten instaed of the running one

i said standing, not walking. if u look at the lightsaber fights in the movies, they only sidestep n pivot on one leg n not going all crazy

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

I'd like to see better graphics and better lip syncing.


also, I want it in the NJO era, but I know that aint happenin'


And the funny thing is that if jk3 was in the NJO era, the NJO would gain tons more fans and the game would sell so freakin well. I mean comeon, what's the plot supposed to be for the next game? Fight Dark Jedi? Battle with an Imperial Genius? Bah, the Vong are awesome....

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You are talking about NJO, can you tell me what it is?


I agree that double blades should be officially inclouded in JK3. I strongly recomend that Kyle becomes one with the Force in JK3 and so we'll have new character - I hope better!!!


The story was short, but not only - I'd say that it was poor and pathetic! Games from LucasArts are very expensive (in Poland they are even twice as expensive as in the US) and instead the quality of them is getting worse and worse! When not the gameplay then the story sucks (or something elsse). I want Lucas or Raven - whoever - to hire worthy actors (eg. those from the Soul Reaver).


The story shouldn't be linear. It should be much more complex than in JK, where only one level was barely changed and then some movies. Ah, yes! MORE MOVIES!


Just like in the Legacy of Kain series , especially Soul Reaver 1 & 2, the tale doesn't have to end after single game - it may be continued.


More bosses is a great idea! But I don't want them to be resistent to most of my force powers, like it was in JK.


Also I don't want to start with no force powers.


I don't want to see Tavion anymore (ok - maybe once:))


And the funny thing is that if jk3 was in the NJO era, the NJO would gain tons more fans and the game would sell so freakin well. I mean comeon, what's the plot supposed to be for the next game? Fight Dark Jedi? Battle with an Imperial Genius? Bah, the Vong are awesome....


Yah, you're right. But suppose you change the sides and thus the name of the game from Jedi Knight into Sith Lord or something like that... :) Or as nova_wolf mentioned - the missions for both sides of the conflict would certainly make the game more interesting. I stopped liking a conception of saving the whole Galaxy! Is is so invented!


Another issue is that the areas wern't great. For example Yavin was, as for me, too simple! The greatest and most beautiful areas were in the Soul Reaver 2 - they had so many details... Bespin Platform was too small!!


Code to single player should be finally released! Players usually have better ideas than the producers themselves.

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