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This sucks the major monkey butt...

Lunatic Jedi

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Ugh. I've had the flu and I've been stuck in bed for about 5 days now. I'm almost better, but it was really nasty the first day. The chills were so horrible that I would be shivering violently under about 6 inches worth of blankets.


I had just about every standard issue flu symptom: Chills, headache, sinus congestion, coughing.


And of course who could forget that other charming accessory to influenza... ASS-BLASTING DIARRHEA!


:eek: :eek: :eek:


I'm almost better, but I still have some recovering to do. Wish me luck!

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conjuctivitis is an infection in the conjuctiva :D


I had sinusitis one xmas....lost half a pint of blood through my nose, and had, literally, a blinding headache. Sinuses still aren't right to this day. Avoid it, girls and boys, avoid it.

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Originally posted by dvader28

conjuctivitis is an infection in the conjuctiva :D


I had sinusitis one xmas....lost half a pint of blood through my nose, and had, literally, a blinding headache. Sinuses still aren't right to this day. Avoid it, girls and boys, avoid it.


So tell me, master, how will we know it when we see it? :p:D

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Weird thing is, the diarrhea doesn't hurt. I guess that's good.


Oh, and sorry for those of you who now have zero appettite. I have no appettite too. Its sucks. The flu seems to make you never want to eat anything. It also seems to make everything taste like crap (figuratively, of course).


Oh, and dvader, I have pretty ****ed up sinuses too, so you're not alone. Right now my right ear is hopelessly plugged up. I just hope its my sinuses and not an ear infection. :(

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Texas Definitions:


"Blowing A Hippo" -Bending over in the shower and blowing it all over the wall


USE--- I blew a hippo in the shower






"Fumble" - When you think you're just going to fart, but something solid comes out with it


USE--- I think I fumbled




okay...I'm making myself sick now.

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