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War In 48 Hours!!!!!!


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Originally posted by obi-wan13

To those who do not support the war:



At least support the troops. These are men and women(some of them just out of high school) that have volunteered to fight for our country. That is something VERY respectable, and these folks in the military deserve it.



yeah, there is a family at my church, the father is a soilder and he has to go.... the son graduated last year, and he left about 2-3 weeks ago, and all thats left is the mom and her other son who is around 16-17, something like that....but the other guy is only 18.... that was pretty sad...

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Originally posted by -s/<itzo-

hey there buddy.


you are blowing it out of proportion. it wasn't even that serious. plus i was just imitating a song.



hey TheHobGoblin, singin with me:


WAR HUH GOOD GOD YALL! What is it good for absolutely nothing!

WAR HUH GOOD GOD YULL! What is it good for absolutely nothing!

no not Yull, Yall





WAR HUH GOOD GOD YALL! What is it good for absolutely nothing!

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they are saving our butts, if soilders didnt fight we wouldnt be safe right now......dont forget pearl harbor and the world trade centers, they show that we are not invincable and we are not perfect, but we will fight back, sure america has its faults but what country doesnt, in fact this is one of the best countries to live, i dont think about it much though.....

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Originally posted by Gorgan

They better finish the war theyre gunna have before I am able to be drafted...so tahts um...wut, 3 years? Will it even last that long u think?


Actually, I think the war will last no longer then a few weeks........I could be wrong, but that's my view.

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It is not encouraging them to kill, it is simply encouraging them to hold on to hope. How would you like it if you volunteered to put your life on the line, and people are protesting you?


These people are brave to go up to front lines and try to dodge bullets. The soldiers have no choice but TO fight, so why NOT encourage them?

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

he could just shoot something at us now! and there isnt much we can do

Actually, everyone is pretty confident that Saddam does NOT have ICBM's, meaning nothing he has could shoot all the way over here. Now Israel on the other hand, is an easy target for him, if he even has weepons.



How would you like it if you volunteered to put your life on the line, and people are protesting you?


Agreed, I may not agree with this war, but I would never disrespect those men and women who put their lives on the lines to fight for all Americans.

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We're getting attacked, and you feel that we shouldn't retaliate? We've been bombed a few times, even since NY. An airport was bombed in the USA....the same airport my sister was flying into... YES, I SAY WE KILL 'EM ALL. We can't just sit here and say "now...don't do that.." while they kill OUR innocent people. We need to strike the head of the snake. War always has casualties that are innocent...but we can't just sit here while they bomb away the United States.

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On a lighter note, I heard this woman on NPR today talk about how it would cost 100 billion dollars for Bush to wage war against Iraq. Then she said it would take 90 billion dollars to buy Iraq. She also provided another alternative: "auction" Saddam Hussien to a country (ie. France) for 50 billion dollars for "safe-keeping" and use the rest of the 50 billion dollars to fight AIDS in Africa, which she views as a much more dangerous threat to the world than Iraq. Anyways, lol, I just thought how funny this was...:p

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When you think about it, this war is different from any war America has ever entered. This is the first time we have instigated a war against a country that never made any open aggressive action against us.


Oh, and those of you who say "Saddam has connections to Al Qaeda, and they attacked us on September 11, so Iraq really did attack us," keep this in mind: The US never affirmatively proved any kind of association between Iraq and Al Qaeda. What's more, the US never even came forward with affirmative proof that Al Qaeda was even responsible for September 11 in the first place! So this is going to be our second war based solely on assumption. I can't wait. USA! USA! :rolleyes:


Oh, and while you're at it, grab a nice, blunt object, and beat the propaganda out of your head with it.


I think this war represents a turning point in the course of human events (i.e. the END of human events) so, as Sam Fisher would say, you might want to find a fallout shelter and learn some prayers.

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

What's more, the US never even came forward with affirmative proof that Al Qaeda was even responsible for September 11 in the first place!


But the fact that Al Qaeda admitted doing it has nothing to do with our attacking them right?



Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

I think this war represents a turning point in the course of human events (i.e. the END of human events) so, as Sam Fisher would say, you might want to find a fallout shelter and learn some prayers.


When you say "end" you think humanity is going to become extinct because of this war?

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

When you say "end" you think humanity is going to become extinct because of this war?


YES. If humanity carries on the way it is with no regard for fellow human beings or this planet, the only creatures left will be cockroaches. I'm afraid for my daughters future, if indeed there is one.

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Well, let's listen to what the Secretary General of the UN had to say - he didn't sound like he disagreed with what was being discussed in the UN, but that they had reached a stalemate with France willing to use it's veto no matter what. It's not like he is condeming the US making a pre-emptive attack, so you read into that any way you will.


I will go along with what the singer Moby said tonight on a talk show here in Australia. I'd prefer not to have an opinion, but hope it is all over quickly. From whatever country you look at that is involved in this mess, not one of them is being totally honest and forthright with their reasons for what they are doing.


Lukeskywalker1, you are well off mark here with your summary of the situation. Iraq was given weapons by the US covertly to help them defeat Iran, in a war that went nowhere. It has nothing to do with the Jews at all, most of the problems Iraq, and many Muslim countries have, and Al Qaeda is that there is an American Air Force base located in their holy city of Mecca (Or Medina - can't remember which).


Don't get Sept 11 out of perspective - that is ANOTHER one of the large lapses of intelligence from them. Another one caused Pearl Harbour, in fact most of the major US military losses, or events are due to the complacency of the US intelligence community, or at least it's top brass.


And to finish on a good note, you missed the most important part of the song:


WAR! Good Good Y'all. What is it good for? Absolutely Nothin' (Say it again!)

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

if u think about, this war is hitlers fault........


remember the jews were in the land hitler tried to get rid of em' then they got scattered in other countries, meanwhile them dudes moved in to jeruselem, and took their land.... so then the us put the ews back in there own land but then the poeple who moved in were mad, so they started fighting isreal, then the us was isreals ally so they destroyed the WTC and the pentagon, so then we are here now......


so if u think about hitler screwed up everything, and who knows how this war will end....


Wow, the importance of 1 man......1 sick man, but still, he had a huge impact on everything.....


Nono, that's all wrong. Hitler did it partly because the Allies were extremely mean with Germany after WW1. But the allies wouldn't have done that if WW1 hadn't happen. And WW1 might very well have not happened if the relationship between France and Germany hadn't been so bad. The reason for this was that Germany had conquered some land of France about 50 years earlier. Now, that war might not have happened if Germany hadn't been angry at France after the Napoleon wars. But Napoleon wouldn't have come to power if the French Revolution hadn't happen. And the French Revolution wouldn't have happened if the American Revolution hadn't happen. And the American Revolution happened because of Britain. So it's all UK's fault! :mad:

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regardless of history,


this 48 hour pocket war could of been avoided.


Some say by making Al Gore as the president.


Some say by UN diplomacy


Some say by removing Saddam Hussein




There are a million ways to avoid a war, but there are also a million ways to start a war.




In Bush's speach on television yesterday, he gave Saddam Hussein and his sons 48 hours to leave Iraq. Unfortunantly, he obviously wont! In his mind, he's the ruller of his nation. And he will go down in victory by defending himself and his nation from the Americans. Even if he loses and all of his nation dies, he truely believes he has won.


And I'd like to add that Bush's request for the oil patches to be untouched is ridiculous. He just made it obvious that he is more interrested in the oil patches than the safety of the Iraqi people. He stated that those oil fields belong to the Iraqi nation and not Hussein, so do not destroy them. I just find that remark totally stupid. You shouldnt care if those oil patches are destroyed, you should care more if the lifes of the people are destroyed.

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I'd just like to back up what Lunatic Jedi said about the whole confusion between Iraq/Saddam and al Qaeda.


I don't know what propaganda some of you have been fed, but the two are totally unrelated. The regime in Iraq is secular by nature. al Qaeda is a religious terrorist organisation. Links between the two are highly unlikely and have not been proven by anyone. To suggest Saddam has ties with this terrorist network is both ridiculous and unrealistic.


War is breaking out in a matter of hours. Whether you approve or disapprove is entirely up to you. In future, make sure you understand what you are stating, back up with fact where neccessary and don't believe everything you hear/read/see in the media.

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well now here the proof, iraq said they had the weapons, in was in the richmond times dispatch, whos to say they were not going to shoot one at us, we only need to get rid of saddam husienn and his family, and osama bin laden and do something about N. Korea, then the war will be over...... here is the aritcle...




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yeah, maybe he is hiding them, but that article prooves that he had or still does have some kind of weapon of mass destruction, bush was right, suddam said he had weapons, he broke that treaty!!!!! so what if he doesnt have them now, he cant prove i, and all along he has been lying......

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