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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

HAHAHA LMAO. Though it did look fake when he magically got caught on the string.

its pretty believable...i mean its claw coulda gotten caught in the toy thingie, although i dont have a cat myself anymore, but my girlfriends cat...its calws get stuck on toys, carpet, shirts...couches and so on all the time.
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If he's got something to say or share, there's no reason he shouldn't keep on posting.


Just remember, "The wise speak because they have something to say; the foolish speak because they have to say something."


;) Just make sure you're not the fool when you post, and it will be alright.

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if the link doesnt work, right click and save target...if anything i can upload it and host it. I talked to my buddy who is some sort of physics major and he says that isnt possible with that much weight on one blade of the fan...the motor wouldnt be able to keep it spinning that fast (notice how it seems to speed up) but rather, if that were to really happen...it would slow down and wobble, the fan wouldnt have enough energey to swing the cat like that.


but none the less...thats still damn hilarious. :D

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