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The Girls/Love Thread

ET Warrior

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

I've somewhat given up on really trying to get a girlfriend anytime soon. I'll be off to college in about 5 months, and there'll be a student body of 20,000 there, that's twice as big as the town I live in! The only thing that makes me kind of sad is that I dont know if I'll find a date to prom, and I have a really neat top hat that I would like to wear....*goes to look for random prom date*




And there is NOTHING wrong with dating grades lower than you. I dated a freshman when I was a Junior, and we got along fantastically. Stupid me ended up kinda freaking out after the relationship had gone on for a few months and I broke it off. I now regret that decision, because she is a really neat girl...IDIOT


And congrats to you Lost Welshman!!!


Don't give up. Just talk to any and every attractive girl around... you'll find somebody that you can have fun with for the last 5 months. You gotta look at it this way... If you're gonna get any experience in before you go to college, now is the time to do it. I don't have a girlfriend right now, but I'm not too worried about prom. I have until May 10... The 2 girls I like both have boyfriends, but I have plenty of lady friends that I could ask if I have to, or if worse comes to worse I'll just start with the hottest girls around and work my way down asking until I find someone who will go.


I wouldn't suggest dating anymore than 2 years younger than you... Any younger, and it just seems wierd. It's too bad you cut off the relationship with her... That's a lesson for all you other guys, think about things before you make important decisions like that.

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I thought I had gotten over this girl... :rolleyes:


Well, we have been getting loads of free time in keyboarding doing our "production work" and since I can type almost as fast as this girl, we finish in 5-10 minutes and we proofread eachother's work. The rest of the period is ours for the doing (Keyboarding is now my favorite class... for now...


Well she told me all of this and thanked me for keeping her awake in keyboarding and called me funny (me? funny? LMAO) I'm so confused....



Anyhow, I am not funny at all and was baffled when she said that. She and her boyfriend have yet to break up, but I still hear the occasional complaints about him. Should I ask her out?


(If I do, I am still waiting for them to breakup despite what some of you other people were saying about breaking people up...)

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New news on the girl-front for me. There's this one sophomore girl who I actually don't really know that well, but she is really pretty and seems quite nice. And apparently she thinks i'm funny and swell. So we're goin on a date this sunday and i'll probably end up asking her to prom. So sometimes girls just sneak up on ya!!

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

New news on the girl-front for me. There's this one sophomore girl who I actually don't really know that well, but she is really pretty and seems quite nice. And apparently she thinks i'm funny and swell. So we're goin on a date this sunday and i'll probably end up asking her to prom. So sometimes girls just sneak up on ya!!

yeah who could have thought I would still be with my current gf in an awesome relationship when the first 3 times we met...it was at my friends parties when I was hammered and could barely speak right.
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I hav liked this girl, for ages, and we hav bin out before. recently she went out with the boy she liked and ended up bein with him for 4 days. a friend of mine asked her what she would say if i asked her out. she sed she wud say no and tht she wasnt going to change her mind, so im quite disappointed. but i've decided not to get into a relationship anytime soon. if they like me (which there is a very slim chance of tht :D) thn its up to thm to ask me, and not the other way round.

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Originally posted by Higginson

I hav liked this girl, for ages, and we hav bin out before. recently she went out with the boy she liked and ended up bein with him for 4 days. a friend of mine asked her what she would say if i asked her out. she sed she wud say no and tht she wasnt going to change her mind, so im quite disappointed. but i've decided not to get into a relationship anytime soon. if they like me (which there is a very slim chance of tht :D) thn its up to thm to ask me, and not the other way round.


Higgs, your young so you have time to grow out of this, but don't sit around and wait for them to come to you because it'll rarely happen, and in my experence, the ones that chase guys arn't the type that you really want to get to know anyway.


This is good advice for everybody. If you see somebody you'd like to get to know, just go for it. Being passive will very rarely get you what you want in life.

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I have the best pick up lines for nerds.


- When I first saw you I threw away my happy sock... don't make me get a new one.

- Can I beam you up to my room, baby?

- I'm going to replace that poster of kerrigan with a photo of you if you date me.

- Your so hot you can burn out the deathstar.

- If you were a program for PC. All you properties would say Your steaming!

- En Taro Adun sugarpops

- Wanna know how the vulcans kiss?

That's all I can think of but I'll make more...... baby :D

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Originally posted by Darklighter

Okay, I kinda have a problem. Me and my girlfriend have been going out for about 2 months now, and we're only just starting to get to know each other well. We're 16/17, and it's both our first serious relationship. Problem is, she's having a bit of trouble getting to grips with the closeness we have. She realised how close we were and kinda freaked out, cos it's never happened to her before, and she's still kinda shy, even after two months.


Is there anything I can do to make her less worried about these things, so we can get to know each other a little more? I really like her, but she's worried I'm angry at her for being so shy, when I'm not at all >_< Dunno what to do.


maybe i'm too late to put my 2 cents in, but i have a girl just like that, it's a challenge from all hell believe me, i've been with mine for 6 months now, and this is her first relationship that anything's ever happened and she was scared, just ease her into it and have lots of patience, don't worry if you're gettin no play from her, just make her feel comfortable and hold her a lot, that makes them feel real good, ALWAYS compliment her, but don't be like "you're the only hot girl around here" that's a lie and they know it, i tell my girl: "there are other beautiful girls around but i like you and not them so my attention is on you" and that works, i just recently broke up w/her and we got back together and i think i made her feel real good cuz (all true) i saw her with one of her ex's and it made me feel bad cuz i didnt' want to see her w/anyone else, so i told her, i was like "i saw you walkin w/jake earlier, and it made me think, i can't stand the thought of you being with another guy, i want you back, i know there's nothin there, but it got me thinking, i really do like you a lot" and she smiled so big, it made me feel good that i could make her smile like that again after the week long fight we had, and now i'm back together w/her and i feel better about it. that's enough of mine, anyway, just compliment her alot, make her feel comfortable, hold her alot, but NEVER lie, tell the truth on everything, and tell her that you'd rather she tell you anything she does rather than lie, do this and you should be ok, but if you don't then you'll probably be lost for a while, not to brag but i can really give some good advice, and this is one of those subjects i'm good at :cool:

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Originally posted by ZePhyR

I wanna get with this chick who has a boyfriend too. I'm currently practicing breaking up couples with this less attractive girl, so I can know what I'm doing when I go for the hotter girl. I know it sounds wrong guys, but we're all bastards deep down. We need to embrace this fact, not hide it.


BASICALLY, ET, what I can tell you is that you need to offer this girl something her boyfriend isn't giving her. You need to make her think you're better in someway -- worth dumping her current boyfriend for you. Remember tho, don't make yourself too available. Be a challenge, but make sure you get her attention.


You've also got to watch out for reprecussions [sp?] from breaking a couple up. If you piss the boyfriend off, you had better be ready for a fight... This is the current situation I'm in. I know the boyfriend could get his friends to come after me if he said the word, so I'm being cautious, but also preparing for a fight and rounding up the troops myself... This is confusing, and yet a good learning experience at the same time.


you say we're all bastards, and i agree, for about a month one of my "friends" was tryin to basically steal my girl from me, she thought he was just wantin to hang out (there were other people with them) but he always tried to get her to skip when i didn't/wouldn't know it, and took her drinking during school twice, well, the second time they got arrested, that spawned the fight we had for a week and then my "friend" said to people (not around me though) that he was gonna hook up w/her when we broke up, i learned of this and told her that he just wanted some poon tang, she doesn't talk to him much anymore, and he hates me now :D:D, oh well, if he's gonna do that then he's no friend of mine (i told her that, but she didn't want him anyway i found out, she never liked him, just me, makes me feel good, even though we're fighting and not together, she doesn't do **** w/other guys or even say she's going to cuz she still wants me, that's a great girl there)


alright, after reading ALMOST all of the posts in this thread so far (hard though) i have some things to say:

Reborn Outcast: you say it's low to date a girl younger than you? my girl is a freshman (almost 16 though) and i'm a junior, there's nothing "low" about dating someone younger than you if you like them.

if you end up breakin people up, or stealing a woman (:blush2:i'm guilty there on both accounts) then you better be ready for a fight, i have already fought 3 fights this year cuz i honestly stole my current g/f from a kid, she broke up homecoming plans and their relationship for me, but i didn't know it til later. i didn't chase her, in fact i didn't think i'd get her so i was like "to hell with it" i'll try for someone else, but she just kept talkin to me when i didn't even know she was around (she'd just appear) and one of her friends (my next door neighbor) was like "she likes you, you should ask her out" but i didn't know her that well, so i just asked her to homecoming and then decided a week later i should ask her out, then it's been on for the past 6 months. but anyway, i fought 3 kids cuz of it, and now 3 more want to, i think cuz of her again (oh well, i ain't afraid, i used to get jumped by the natives i live by all the time, i ain't racist, but there was always about 6 of the mother.....) so i'll keep that updated. if you steal someone or break a couple up, there's a 99.9% chance of a fight, with more than one person, but i was alright cuz i have lots of friends and it always stayed 1 on 1 (kinda, the first one was my "friend" from the earlier post and me versus 3 other kids, we kicked their asses, they ran away fast!) but, everyone needs patience and just make them feel comfortable, be someone they can trust anything to, and then do stuff w/them, just the two of you more and more and stare at them (not scary like, but a "lost in their eyes" look) and then they'll start to get it and it'll be good for you, trust me ;):cool:


BTW- Zephyr, the advice i read of yours seems pretty much what always works for me and my buddies, they always come to me for advice on women and i tell them that stuff basically, and it works, how old are you? you seem to have lots of experience in this "field"

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