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My |33t Animating Skills! ^_^

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Well the little bunny was sitting up watching an insanely fast growing flower when a bubbly-bee came and sucked its necter. Then the Bubbly-bee saw the rabbit, thought it was dangerous and attacked it. The rabbit did not die, just had a boo-boo. The bubbly-bee was accually in fact a bubbly-hornet, and lived aswell :D Later the bubbly-hornet apologized to the rabbit, and said he was only scared, and they became friends, and the rabbit let the bubbly-hornet help him hide eggs and candy on Easter Sunday, in celebration of Jesus Christ's day of raising.


Awwwww cute story :D

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Originally posted by Lujayne

Man, what agression I am seeing here. What do you guys have against bunnies?? I happen to like my little bunny. u_u


I have nothing against bunnies. In fact, I like bunnies. You obviously like performing sadistic acts of violence against them.

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