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Lunatic Jedi

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Choto mato! Choto, choto-chodia!



Trigun is the best! Like the guy said "I wish my insurance girls looked that good"




Lupin III I have to admit is pretty funny, but if I had my choice between that and Bebop... cya later Fuji-cakes! Cowboy Bebop is rules! :cool:








My adult swim would be like this


  • 7:00 Cowboy Bebop
  • 7:30 Trigun
  • 8:00 Neon Genesis Evangelion
  • 8:30 The Gundam hour (different Gundam series)
  • 9:30 Tenchi Muyo
  • 10:00 Anime movie (usually Ninja Scroll)
  • 11:00 Macross (Robotech)
  • 11:30 Dragon Ball
  • 12:00 Dragon Ball Z
  • 12:30 Dragon Ball GT
  • 1:00 Ruroni Kenshin
  • 1:30 Yu Yu Hakesho
  • 2:00 Beastwars
  • 2:30 the Retro anime hour (Lupin III)
  • 3:30 the Retro action toon hour (GI Joe, Transformers, Robotech)




Basically it would be all anime and cool tunes and no "cartoon cartoons" :D

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My schedule would look more like this:


7:00 Trigun

7:30 Trigun

8:00 Trigun

8:30 Trigun

9:00 Trigun

9:30 Cowboy Bebop

10:00 Cowboy Bebop

10:30 Cowboy Bebop

11:00 Cowboy Bebop

11:30 Dual! Parellel Trouble Adventure

12:00 Dual! Parellel Trouble Adventure

12:30 Dual! Parellel Trouble Adventure

1:00 Dual! Parellel Trouble Adventure

1:30 Trigun


As you can see, I have a very diverse taste in anime. :p

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well since you guys made one I might as well


7:00 Trigun

7:30 Lupin III

8:00 yu yu hakusho

8:30 outlaw star

9:00 excell saga

9:30 gunsmith cats

10:00Rurouni Kenshin (it would be somewhere at the start but I ****ing hate the american voice acting)

10:30 cowboy bebpop (:D :D :D)

11:00 inuyasha

11:30 .hack

12:00 origional transformers

12:30 voltron

1:00-3:00 anime movies

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Ive only seen a few episodes of trigun and my first thought about vash was to compare him to spike.


1.They both are badasses

2.They both have guns.

3.They both look cool.


now after a few more episodes of trigun I realize that Vash and Spike have way diffrent personalitys.


1.I have never seen Vash fire his gun yet....

2.Vash is a peace driven person

3.Vash is funnier

4.Vash is less serious



in conclusion



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Originally posted by Loki GM

well since you guys made one I might as well


7:00 Trigun

7:30 Lupin III

8:00 yu yu hakusho

8:30 outlaw star

9:00 excell saga

9:30 gunsmith cats

10:00Rurouni Kenshin (it would be somewhere at the start but I ****ing hate the american voice acting)

10:30 cowboy bebpop (:D :D :D)

11:00 inuyasha

11:30 .hack

12:00 origional transformers

12:30 voltron

1:00-3:00 anime movies



I forgot a lot of good shows :p


My line up would be ours put together. I don't think I'd ever leave home with a line up like that.






As far as Spike and Vash, they both are very unique charecters. The situtaions in their lives are totally different. The whole concept of both of those shows is what makes those charecters great. I'd have to say, though, that Cowboy Bebop is more mainstream. It would be easier to compare it to outlaw star; they're both futuristic bounty hunters traveling with misfits through space looking for work.


Trigun, on the other hand, is a totally different plot about a post apocalyptic time in life where humans are forced to start over on a new planet and the only people who know this are Vash and Knives.

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Originally posted by $am

1.I have never seen Vash fire his gun yet....

2.Vash is less serious



what are you insane?! oh yea you havn't gotten to the gung-ho guns. and vash get way more seruious. and he pulled it out like last night or the night before

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why cowboy bebop


I think that we should start up a trigun avatar revolution but since 3 of us already have one from trigun we probably would want to go with something else


speaking of avatars does anyone have a few good wolfwood pics I could have (as you can see my curent one didnt work out so well) :D :D :D

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Originally posted by Loki GM

why cowboy bebop


I think that we should start up a trigun avatar revolution but since 3 of us already have one from trigun we probably would want to go with something else


speaking of avatars does anyone have a few good wolfwood pics I could have (as you can see my curent one didnt work out so well) :D :D :D




Back then (July 2002), I was the only guy that openly admitted to liking Trigun. Everyone else was hooked on Bebop, Outlaw Star, basically whatever was hot on Toonami. It wasn't until the show actually made it on Cartoon Network that people started getting interested.



Anyway, yeah I'd like a cool Trigun Revolution, though the revolution thing has been done to death. How about The Donut Faction, since Vash loves donuts so much :D. We should do it so everybody is a different charecter, has that person's quote in their sig.


Here's a thought; we VOTE on who is what charecter! We make the list of Trigun people and vote on who gets who. Between a dozen good guys, a dozen extras, and 2 dozen bad guys, we should be set.



Any suggestions? :confused:

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Originally posted by [RAA]-=Chi3f=-



Back then (July 2002), I was the only guy that openly admitted to liking Trigun. Everyone else was hooked on Bebop, Outlaw Star, basically whatever was hot on Toonami. It wasn't until the show actually made it on Cartoon Network that people started getting interested.



Anyway, yeah I'd like a cool Trigun Revolution, though the revolution thing has been done to death. How about The Donut Faction, since Vash loves donuts so much :D. We should do it so everybody is a different charecter, has that person's quote in their sig.


Here's a thought; we VOTE on who is what charecter! We make the list of Trigun people and vote on who gets who. Between a dozen good guys, a dozen extras, and 2 dozen bad guys, we should be set.



Any suggestions? :confused:


I always liked Trigun the first time I saw it was back a year or 2 I just like the fact that its on toonami


do you mean have donuts as AVs or what

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Originally posted by Loki GM

I always liked Trigun the first time I saw it was back a year or 2 I just like the fact that its on toonami


do you mean have donuts as AVs or what



Naw, just have a name that's totally unique to Trigun so when people who don't know us will be like "WTF?" We need a name that's grabs their attention.



Unique things about Trigun...


  • Donuts
  • Black cat
  • Gun Ho guns
  • Sand Steamer
  • Bernedelli Insurance Society
  • S.E.E.D.S.
  • Humanoid Typhoon



Just brain storming. :)

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