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CTF_Canyon map finished.

The Truthful Liar

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You need less ambient lighting/more light sources, and more variation in canyon textures. Making them darker overall would also help them to fit in. An easy way to variate them would be brightness.


Other than that, it looks excellent. I like the architecture a lot, especially the vastness. That open feeling was missing in JO.

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Thanks for the comments everyone. ; )


There wasn't any ambient lighting in those shots. I've managed to brighten it up abit since, mainly around the middle.


I had openness in mind when constructing the map, to bring back what JK1 had and which JK2 lacked. I'd also like to point out that this map is meant mainly for gameplay, there are haredly any details placed (which is going against the other maps I'm working on), the most you'll see are railings in the team bases. :]


I'll consider variating the textures' brightness, although I do want to get this map out the door soon, probably by this friday.

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Looks good, I really like those metal fence/sheilds that protect the bases. Plus you've managed to avoid that repeating rock effect, (something I'm trying to get to grips with at the moment). I personally don't think you need to vary the rock any more than you already have.


About the lighting, I'm not sure Emon was suggesting you'd used the actual "ambient light" setting. I think he meant that most of the light seems to be coming from the sky, rather than from artificial sources. Adding these sources might add to the atmospheric depth and create a more "industrial" look to the more built-up areas (such as the flag bases). I wouldn't say the map needs it though. It looks excellent as it is. :)

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Originally posted by starunner

Looks good, I really like those metal fence/sheilds that protect the bases. Plus you've managed to avoid that repeating rock effect, (something I'm trying to get to grips with at the moment). I personally don't think you need to vary the rock any more than you already have.


About the lighting, I'm not sure Emon was suggesting you'd used the actual "ambient light" setting. I think he meant that most of the light seems to be coming from the sky, rather than from artificial sources. Adding these sources might add to the atmospheric depth and create a more "industrial" look to the more built-up areas (such as the flag bases). I wouldn't say the map needs it though. It looks excellent as it is. :)


Ah. ; )


Working for a release tomorrow! :]


So far I'll submit to massassi.net and pcgamemods.com. I can't think of any other prominent jk2 file sites out there.

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JK2Files maybe?


This map sure looks a lot of fun, rocks look good to me...reminds me of badlands from TFC a little, one of my all time faves.


TL, you're a file poster at jediknightii.net aren't you? Whats going on with that, is the server still down/ Its been months and months...

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I love this map! The wide-open nature of the place is so great. You can get some really nice speed built up strafe jumping along the lower or middle levels, but you have to be careful or you'll fall to your death. I've already played it a few times on the Flux Gateway server and it's been great fun. But unfortunately the biggest game I've played it in was about 8 people, and I really think this map would be ideal for about twice that many, but I'm afraid I'll never get to experience that.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey, any chance this awesome map will be converted and released for JA? I just tried playing it in JA and it seems to work fine except that the sky is completely messed up. I don't think a whole lot of people actually got to play this map for JK2 and with a re-release for JA I bet it would gain a wider audience. It's really a fantastic map.

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