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What video game character are you?

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As for me? I am a Defender-ship. :deathii:


I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups.

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I am Kong.


Strong and passionate, I tend to be misunderstood, sometimes even feared. I don't want to fight, I don't want to cause trouble, all I ask is a little love, and a little peace. If I don't get what I want, I get angry, and throw barrels and flaming oil at whatever's stopping me.


I'd never say THAT

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I am an Asteroid.


I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I'm doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind.


It also said: If you were not an asteroid you would be Pacman.



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I am a Defender-ship.




I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups.


(If you were not a Defender-ship you would be a Thrust-ship.)

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I am Mr Do.


I am sedentary by nature, enjoying passive entertainment, eating when the mood takes me, and playing with my food. I try to avoid conflict, but when I'm angered, I can be a devil - if you force me to fight, I will crush you. With apples.


(If you were not Mr Do you would be a Breakout Bat.)


Mr Do?

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I am a Pacman Ghost.


I like to hang around with friends, chatting, dancing, all that sort of thing. We don't appreciate outsiders, and do our best to discourage others approaching us. I enjoy occasionally wandering around randomly, and often find that when I do so, I get to where I wanted to be.

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It's-a me! Mario!


I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.



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I am a Breakout Bat.


I am an abstract sort of creature, who dislikes any sort of restraint. If you try to pigeonhole me, I'll break the box, and come back for more. I don't have any particular ambitions, I just drift, but I am adept at keeping life going along.


Or: I am a Pacman Ghost.


I like to hang around with friends, chatting, dancing, all that sort of thing. We don't appreciate outsiders, and do our best to discourage others approaching us. I enjoy occasionally wandering around randomly, and often find that when I do so, I get to where I wanted to be.


Conclusion: this test is a load of BS.


No ambitions? Keeping outsiders at bay? Uh? And I'm not that random. I have clear goals and I prioritize them. The other stuff (whatever is left) is reasonably accurate though.

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All right, I did it!

Checked every option aviable!

Thats what I got:


I am Jetpac Man.


I love the outdoors; the sense of freedom, of adventure. I love the sensation of free-fall, and would parachute and bungee jump on a moment's notice. I know where I want to be, and I strive to get there, making great effort to collect what I need. I let nothing stand in my way.

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I am a Light Cycle.


I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even breakfast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems.


Yeah, sure. I agree with Marek. Pure bull!


Ok, I drive fast, but hey, who doesn't? But as for everything else I do it pretty slowly and I don't have sudden changes of heart. But the last thing is pretty right though.


I would say that this one describes me better:


I am a Base-defender.


What's mine is mine, and I make sure everyone knows it. Nobody invades my space without permission - I'd destroy everything I own before letting someone take it from me. I tend to be forward-facing, which is both a strength and a weakness.

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I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.


I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly.


(If you were not a Gauntlet Adventurer you would be a Breakout Bat.)


You see the last two words; food badly...? ;) What about Food belly, or Foodbelly ;P Roger Foodbelly ;)

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I am a Base Defender:


What's mine is mine, and I make sure everyone knows it. Nobody invades my space without permission - I'd destroy everything I own before letting someone take it from me. I tend to be forward-facing, which is both a strength and a weakness.


Err...I would tend to say that's more than a little off - but I didn't give the questions much consideration.

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