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Scariest game ever

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I just picked up Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for GameCube. Wow. Despite the rather cliched and lame sounding title, it's incredibly good. It's the scariest game I've ever played, and I've played a bunch (Resident Evil games, Silent Hill games, Alone in the Dark - I've played 'em all). Because rather than just "pop out and scare you" like is in most "horror" games, ED has Lovecraftian pyschological scares. The game has a sanity meter that lowers a bit every time your character sees a monster. The lower it gets, the more "sanity effects" you experience. They're little things that really mess with your mind. Stuff like the walls bleeding, or the camera going wonky, or your character's head appearing to fall off. You're never quite sure whether what you're seeing is real, or just a figment of your character's overstressed mind. The plot is killer, too. Very reminiscent of the Cthulu mythos. Very enjoyable, all in all. I heartily reccomend it. How about the rest of you? What're the scariest games you've ever played?

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I am scared of pretty much every game where dying is something that happens often. I don't like to die. Not over and over and over again. I am scared of dark 3D shooters in general.


I think that is the only façon in which I am a thorough coward. I love to contemplate the best way to shoplift in various stores, I love to trespass with a crowbar and a maglite, I like the night - but when I know that I will have to die one or two times before I hit gold, that I don't enjoy. If I get brutally massacred in the first five minutes of the game (before I have picked up all the mechanics of gameplay) I don't play again easily.

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I just got my copy of Silent Hill 1 for PSX. I like it. Don't know if it's scariest ever, but it's like SH2 was for me: disturbing.


The elementary school w/ the lil' kid zombies trying to cling on to you is disturbing. And the first time I blew a kid away, I felt disturbed b/c I killed a kid.


Damn, SH games can really make you feel uneasy....

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Eternal Darkness was pretty neat. I never could get the nack of the fighting system in it though. :(


Really? I got the hang of it in about a minute, and found it to be one of the better systems I've ever seen in a 3rd person game. To each their own, I guess. And I've been meaning to try out Undying. Is it more psychologically scary, like ED? Or is it just "Crap jumps at you from nowhere" scary?


And Kingz, I feel the same way. I don't like dying over and over, especially if it's due to controls or cheapness on the game's part. Which is why I never really liked the Resident Evil games.

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Silent Hill 2 was the scariest I played. Hopefully, Silent Hill 3 will be able to top it.


I didn't really find Undying very scary. There were some neat parts like when you look into the mirror near the beginning, but nothing that really made me jump.

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Blair Witch Volume 1: Rustin Parr


:D Hey, I remember starting a 'scariest games' thread a few months ago! I list the Silent Hill series and Blair Witch Volume 1: Rustin Parr as, so far, the scariest for me. For me 'scary' translates as a perpetual sense of terror, dread, tension, and an overwhelming feeling of helplessness and isolation. And most importantly, that feeling that your mind and emotions are being f#$ked with.


I played Undying, but it was never scary for me. Although I adored the thick, rich atmosphere, I felt the whole thing to be contrived - they were trying too hard to be scary. Resident Evil I found stupidly bad in terms of trying to scare you - cheap, trashy scare tactics.

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Hi again everyone.


I've been a horror game fan since Alone in the Dark so there are a few games I'd love to mention :D


Project Zero - Bloody scary ghosts but scarier combat methods (as in bad)


Resident Evil (Remake) - I know RE is a cheap scares game but the atmosphere in this one deserves a good mention I think.


Clock Tower 3 - There are some really dumb things in this game but when it's doing it's job right it's one of the scariest games I've ever played. There's something about running away from serial killers with bugger all weaponary that just scares me for some reason :)


Eternal Darkness and Silent hil 1-3 are great games too but I didn't really feel terrified while playing them I must say. Guess it just proves that horror is a very personal thing. I did love the sanity meter in ED though. Some of the tricks it plays on you are very sneaky such as:



When you go to save the game and it comes up with DELETING SAVES. I nearly had a heart failure because I was about 12 hours into it. Then it just flashed back to the game the way all sanity events do in it once they're finished. True horror ;)


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The Thief series have been the scariest games to date, imho. They combine unbelievable tension with minimalist use of sound and lighting, as opposed to overthetop gore present in many console survival horror games. Also, Garrett, the protagonist, is possibly the most cynical character in videogaming, which suits me to the ground.

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Originally posted by Aranolorion

The Thief series have been the scariest games to date, imho. They combine unbelievable tension with minimalist use of sound and lighting, as opposed to overthetop gore present in many console survival horror games. Also, Garrett, the protagonist, is possibly the most cynical character in videogaming, which suits me to the ground.


Thief is quite beloved 'round these parts. I never thought of it as scary, though - just suspenseful.


And do you have your avatar because you're a Tool fan, or because you like the art of Alex Grey? I'm guessing the former, but I could be wrong.

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Listen, all of you! Listen to what I have to say!




*crickets chirping*



Anyway, the one game that has ever scared the crap out of me was the original Resident Evil. Story time...


Little after the PS came out I got one for Christmas along with RE, Jet Moto, and Twisted Metal (they were the hottest games back then). I had heard a lot about it but had never actually played it before. Now I never get scared watching a horror flick, actually I usually laugh, so for me to get spooked from a game is saying something. Anyway, my best friend who suggested I get the game recommended I play it late at night with all the lights off. I did it thinking it was no big deal. What a mistake. That game scared the hell out of me! I loved it! I had never played anything like it. Since then I find only games partially spooky like Silent Hill and RE in certain parts. I may get shocked, but it seems too typical in what's going on. I'm still waiting for the next generation game to freak me out.



EDIT: There is oneother game that wasn't scary but creepy (in a good way) and that's the original Half Life. I loved that game and I hope the new one is just as good :D

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I forgot the first Clock Tower game. That was scary. If you ever wanted to be like a star in a slasher movie, Clock Tower is a game that'd let you do it. It's such an incredibly tense game, you never feel safe in it. Scissorman can pop up at anytime, and it's usually gory when he does. And the game has a bunch of endings, so the game's different almost every time.

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Silent Hill 2 I think. In eternal darkness you feel too safe a lot of the time, the sanity effects are great, but it cant top silent hill's use of sound.. the huge amount of combat destroys most of the suspense, and it feels too much like your playing a game rather than being immersed in another world.. Its a brilliant title but not the scariest by a long shot.


Silent Hill 2 feels raw compared to SH3, there are more jump out of your seat moments.. I think its down to personal preference really on what scares the most. Although i prefer SH3 to SH2, SH2 is scarier :confused:


(oh and hi everyone btw i finally broke down and joined this place!!)

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Yeh, Eternal Darkness freaks me out. ANyone ever played D for PSX? Man. It is freaky! You open up a door, its a closet, wiht a dead corspe like hanged, with spikes going throguh it, hand trying to grab you from the walll, a room with a church window, the rest is darkness. And, the flashes you get, of someone ating human flesh. It. Gives. Me. Nightmares.

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