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Name that Game (MI Edition)


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Okay, I posted something similar to this at mojo before, but I thought I'd do one for these forums too.


It's a simple, yet also excruciatingly difficult game (although maybe not so hard in this case):


There are 20 screenshots from the Monkey Island games below - All you have to do is describe the location of them (eg. That's the Fettucini Brothers circus tent!!)


Private Message me the answers, and a winner will be picked on.. let's say, Saturday. Don't be afraid to enter if you only know a few.


I expect all of you to enter :¬:


Here goes:



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Seeing as how nobody has entered for two days, I can only assume nobody cares anymore ;


ATMachine wins, with a whopping 20 points (out of 20)


If anyone would like to know their scores, just ask. I'll refrain from posting them here because I don't want to embarass ;-


Anyway, answers here.

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