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First =A= Creature Handler!!


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Hi guys, i'm not sure if i am, 'cause i haven't seen anything on the boards about it, and if there is, i just missed it! But, Ebik, is the first =A= Creature Handler!! I really need some help on food, i just picked up artisian so i can survey for oats and make food for my pet. But, if anyone has some spare organic food give me a /tell.


Within five days my pet wll be full grown, and i can't remember his species so i'll tell you all later!!

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Baboo was the first CH that I know of.


I have been one for almost a week.


Just make a macro, that goes:




/pause 15




/pause 15


so on and so forth.


If you do that, it will get you a lot of food for your pet. I have enough to last me for a while.

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Yep, baboo is probably the most advanced CH that I know of. I've been a CH for about 2 weeks now but I havent really been focusing on getting CH xp, just working with pistoleer. Being a CH is alot of fun though! My dewback is full grown now and my greater sludge panther is well on his way. :)

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Yep those were the good ole days when Ocyrus would not leave the Narglatch Caves ;) Mask scent was awesome back then...seems like soooo long ago. Damn its not even a month ago since release and now Ocyrus is a rug somewhere and defocy is with us.


There will be a memorial service tonight behind the cantina in memory of Ocyrus. BYOB

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Originally posted by -=miniSITH=-

Since the nerf happened(if it even did yet) is it still worth it to be a CH and did they make certifications yet?


From what I see, it isn't even a nerf. I do not plan on buying, or taming anything like rancors. Maybe for XP, but that is it.


It is worth it to be a CH, because I can go out and solo destroy missions with my FWG5, and Bachelor Gualama, with ease.

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I think I am now the first and only Master Creature Handler now.


And there has been a nerf, and I think there are more on the way.


There has been talk about reducing the stats of stored pets to about 1/8 of their current value, and pets can not be insta-healed by storing them and calling them right away.

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I know one other Master CH his name is Khorrah and he is also a BE so he is pretty quick butt. He can make gurrecks that are almsot as strong as they are in the wild.


I'm keeping novice and one skill in CH and keeping Talon my full grown greater sludge panther and I just picked up a baby grand wrix named Wolverine.


When they announce what skill lvl you have to have to control what lvl creature please post thank you.


I already know about the challenge lvl stuff, Talon is lvl 23 and Wolverine is lvl 22 hopefully I can have Novice CH and Creature Taming 1 and that will be all I need to ahndle them I currently have empathy 1 and management 1 and need to get Taming 1


Also if I get rid of empathy 1 and management 1 but my pets already know the tricka nd group commands can I still use them?

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