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ScummVM 0.5.0, and our worst kept secret


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Version 0.5.0 of ScummVM, the classic adventure game interpreter, has just been

released. This is our most tested version yet, and with its release we come

bearing gifts!


New in this version, besides the usual bugfixes and improvements are:

- Extensive overhaul of the music subsystem, more games now support music

- Support for the Enhanced (V2) versions of Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken

- Support for Beneath a Steel Sky, made possible thanks to Revolution Software

supplying us with the original assembly source code!

- Aspect Ratio correction added, by popular request


A more detailed list of changes and a list of all supported games can be found

on our homepage (http://www.scummvm.org/)


As an extra SPECIAL bonus, the really really wonderful people at Revolution

Software Ltd have decided to allow us to make Beneath a Steel Sky *freeware!*


You can download either the CD version (70M, includes speech) or the smaller

Floppy version (8M), along with ScummVM 0.5.0, from our website:


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Originally posted by LucasTones

Beneath a Steel Sky is so awesome. I haven't played it since it was new either, cos every time I put the CD in any of my most recent computers it crashes after about 5 mins. Thank you ScummVM!


Did it happen while traveling between screens? If so there is an easy way to prevent it from crashing.

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Originally posted by BooJaka

I'm using ScummVM 0.5.1 and I can't get BASS to work. It says there's an error in line 3 or something. The message flashes up too fast for me to read it properly and ScummVM exits. Anyone else get this?


Run it from a command prompt and lemme know what the message is.

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OK, I finally got it...


Looking for sky

Trying to start game 'Beneath a Steel Sky'

WARNING: MM System Error 'There is not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again.'!


Can't open midi device. Errorcode: 3!


I will turn off and turn on my computer repeatedly in the vain hope that that will work until someone gets back to me. Please do!

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Originally posted by BooJaka

OK, I finally got it...




I will turn off and turn on my computer repeatedly in the vain hope that that will work until someone gets back to me. Please do!


Our sound guys opinion is that something on your computer is very screwed.. but I assume you still get this error after rebooting, so I'll try to help.


Open up C:\Windows\scummvm.ini, and under the [sky] bit add the line:



Music will now use 'emulated' midi, so may sound a bit funny.


You can try editing

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Originally posted by Ender

Our sound guys opinion is that something on your computer is very screwed.. but I assume you still get this error after rebooting, so I'll try to help.


Open up C:\Windows\scummvm.ini, and under the [sky] bit add the line:



Music will now use 'emulated' midi, so may sound a bit funny.


You can try editing


Wrong, BASS supports adlib in addition to MT-32, so it will not use 'emulated' MIDI but rather adlib specific music.

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can someone please recommend a good mirro to get BASS from, only I tried it from one and the thing just didn't work at all. then i tried another and it worked, but when I talked to joey about egtting a enw body from that welding robot, I lost my cursor but things still went on. Any help? Which mirro did you guys use to download it?

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Yes, they're all exactly the same, Joshimeister. :) I used Heanet myself, but it doesn't make any difference. If you're having trouble, try upgrading to ScummVM 0.5.1, which fixes a few random BASS bugs, apparently.

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