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Aeris Model Request

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Greetings all. I came here to request that someone makes a Aeris Gainsborough model. This is the female lead from Final Fantasy VII. I have some images posted below. Also, IF you would ONLY do it for some money through paypal, how much would it cost me? I really want this model. Thanks for any relpy.






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Yes, I am Sting Cain, I have no idea why I signed up with my real name, that was a long time ago. My actualy internet alias is Cloud Leonhart. Heh. Anyways, I didnt know it was illegal to pay for models..so uh, just email me and I can, arrange you a payment for some, uh, comics I bought from you on ebay...heh heh. Really though, I was just testing the waters, I have to have this model, so no one answers, then I will have to do it myself, and that will be a bad model :(

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BAH!!! I've been requesting the same model for atleast 4 months and the only positive results I got was an old model for a saber that just happens to be the guys weapon (I'm talking about the Soul Reaver and the model is Kain). So good luck.

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Because It's alot easier for me, and I don't have enough money to buy the programs to actually do the modeling itself >.>

And I'm like in everycomputer class there is at school and i'm usually done before everyone which gives me long times to do the models.


And we get three hudge projects to complete models for ourselfs where we make our own modeled super hero's, so I'll make them quickly and release.


I was going to release my model of cloud, but then I started watching videos and stuff off of japanese websites and made another add onto it called rlcloud =P

It's not fully done yet though .>>

But yeah..

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Originally posted by Dark Mercenary.

I've actually started work on every Main character from ff7, 8,9, 10, and 4.


Sweet! Id really love to see the Kuja and Kain from FF4! I was going to ask for a Kain before, as he is my favorite FF character, but being that there are no good drawings or CG renders, I figured no one would be interested... So, I guess ill wait for school to start.. *paces floor*

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