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Just wondering, has anyone else on this forum indulged in flashmobbing? I started mobbing a couple of weeks ago and have participated in two big ones in Amsterdam.


For those wondering what the heck I'm talking about, the aim of a flashmob is to have hundreds of people take part in a sudden, bizarre activity, preferably in the middle of a city. The group will do some kind of weird (but strictly harmless) thing for a couple of minutes, and then disperse into the crowds, leaving puzzled looks and smiles behind.


For example, in my first flashmob we amassed in front of a supermarket at a certain time with photocamera's, and for the next 3 minutes anyone who exited the supermarket was to be treated as a huge celebrity. Here's a video of it: http://www.gizz.demon.nl/gizz/flashmob/MVI_7684.AVI Of course, the whole thing is perfectly organized in advance on the internet. You kinda feel like a guerilla warrior... synchronizing your watches, meeting at a certain point to pick up instructions, walking to the mob location without forming groups or talking with other mobbers, etc.


A lot of people say stuff like "omg don't you have anything better to do, like help poor people in Africa". I actually think these flashmobs are quite productive. Moreso than sitting in front of a TV or something. It's great, great fun. The fun will probably be spoiled in some way eventually, so I'm enjoying it while I can.


More on the phenomenon:


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LOL @ tabacco


Yeah, I'd heard of flashmobbing a while back (via slashdot, of course), and it sounded really interesting. Not that it actually sounded like a fun thing to do (vs, say, adventure games ;)), but that it seems to be an interesting social statement. I've been interested in participating in one, but I haven't heard of any in the DC/Northern Virginia area.


BTW, the first link your google search comes up with is SmartMobs, and that's different, as those mobs actually have a point.


In any case, a relevant link, for those interested: cheesebikini

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On an almost related note, a woman came in to the place where I work last day(I work for a football club) and complained about a flasher outside the club. The police were brought in and stuff, and this was like the first time I really heard of this here on Iceland.


Isn't zhat weeerd?!

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Cool... you joined them, Marek? I only read them in the papers, but even so it's still enough to keep me in stitches. No such thing in Kuala Lumpur. The City Hall would probably slap a ban on us and say stuff like: "Bad yellow culture no-no!"

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Originally posted by DustCropper

The last time I visited San Francisco, a couple of weeks ago, I almost went to one but unfortunately got the time mixed up and showed up late. Maybe next year...


So did you do a one man flashmob anyway? And if so, were you arrested for your own good?

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