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    Student, working to be a Psychologist so that I can start to make a difference to peoples lives. :) I'm quirky, a bit of an air-head and very complex, yet somehow I'm intelligent and creative. :]
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    KOTOR 1&2
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  1. And btw, japanese is hard, french sux, and spanish... well it's ok imo...

    I have a experience exchange witha french guy...

    He comes at my place, I go at his...Damn he was dumy!!! HE didn't understood his own language...

    He said he knows english, and we listened a music... He said the lyrics in an english I never heard before. It started with: Soulja boy's up!

    And he was like: Sujia buy'z ui! "WTF is that???" I asked him in french ... He was looking at me as if he was looking at an alien... "C'est le "siong"?he said. "C'est "song, c'est ne pas "siong"!!! Et, tu dir mal!- "It's song, not siong! And you speak bad!" I replied

    No no, c'est correct! Sujia buy'z ui! Damn I argued with him so much, I was on the edge of cracking his skull with a pencil!!!

    Damn, I wish my country was bigger... I have to learn all the damn languages in this damn Europe... I enjoy speaking English and taking German lessons... But French, Italian, Spanish...

    Have too live with it...

    Anyway, where I'm heading: LA: Hollywood- director/producer/assistant producer, no need for all those languages, but, ya know parents...


    Question: Do you listen music when you write? Certain songs inspire me...

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