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  • Interests
    Modifying my old games to bring new life into them.
  • Web Browser
    Windows Internet Explorer
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Star Wars Rebellion (great strategy game)
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  1. Well, I'm caught between a lot of stuff...possibly too much at once. I'm trying to find the feeling and inspiration for my fanfic Darth Sion: Wrought of Torment, but so far is only after he has turned to the dark side. I'm trying to find other peoples' agony as inspiration, not be too banal of self reflective and make it still believable but PG-13. On top of that I'm falling behind for helping Sith Holocron with the storyline for what mod he is working on--more writing. Thus far I have the sort of personality down for a droid (I do not want to voice) and some of the tragedy for why it has severity personality disorder. Also working on the 081 Telos area. I Have made my discoveries and found ways inside there. I have an update but it's just needs the right photos posted. Lastly, stores and quests for the rarely found items.

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