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Posts posted by Goury1

  1. 5 minutes ago, demone said:

    Yeah, it's actually the one question I wish was asked in recent interviews with Ron, but I'm partially afraid his answer would be "It didn't actually mean anything, it was nothing more than a joke at the time." lol


    All that being said, this discussion has reminded me again why I love this game and this series so much. So many layers to it, especially in Return. Over a year later, and I'm still constantly thinking about how everything fits together. In other cases, that would be frustrating, but for these games, it's great because there is enough evidence to support multiple theories. Monkey Island is really the one series I know that wholly embraces head-canons in such a unique way. 



    Yeah, I'm afraid that Ron Gilbert would shoot it down with "It was all a joke". It would be a pity...


    I perfectly understand you! I love going through the layers and possible meanings of RtMI and the other two games of Ron Gilbert's trilogy! It has been a year since the premiere of RtMI and I'm still quite obsessed with the game! It's great that the games are constructed in such a way that allows various interpretations! No other adventure game series has had me so deep in thought for such a long time!


    I have recently watched Tim Burton's movie called "Big Fish". it's a beautiful film that touches on very similar themes and questions as RtMI. I wholeheartedly recommend it!

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  2. 16 minutes ago, demone said:

    That being the one scene where we actually learn about Guybrush's past makes it so powerful for me. After Return, I look back on that scene with renewed appreciation. 


    There's no way to know for sure how much of that scene was meant to be taken seriously, but I genuinely believe now that it was a lore drop for Guybrush's childhood. 


    The RtMI made me appreciate the "dancing skeletons" scene in a new light too! I actually like to rewatch the scene often, ever since I finished RtMI!


    And, perhaps you are right, the mysteriousness and eerieness of the scene are amplified by the fact that we know so little about Guybrush's past... However, I would still like to know more about the truth behind the scene! :)



  3. 5 minutes ago, demone said:

    My thoughts is that even if his son and Chucky imagined the whole dancing skeleton thing, I think it would still speak to Guybrush being an orphan. If they were imagining Guybrush being an orphan, I think that comes from a more genuine place and not wholly made up. Perhaps Boybrush asked if he is ever going to meet his grandparents and Guybrush told him.


    The couple at the park might be just how they envisioned the parents for that sequence, but I feel no matter what, there was a deep meaning behind that sequence. Whereas the whole LeChuck and Guybrush being brothers was a clear Star Wars ripoff and was treated as a joke, the whole parents sequence was much more somber by comparison. They might start dancing, but Guybrush seeing them and saying that they abandoned him was a very somber moment. 


    I wholeheartedly agree! Boybrush and Chuckie might have given Guybrush's parents the faces of the random couple, but I feel that the whole plot is too somber to be totally made up by two kids. It must have come from a real event in the Threepwood family history. Perhaps, as you suggest, Boybrush asked Guybrush about the grandparents once...


    I wish that Ron Gilbert focussed somewhat more on the "Guybrush being an orphan" plotline and shed more light on it...

  4. 1 hour ago, demone said:

    That nightmare with his parents I feel is indicative of how Guybrush felt as a child, they left him and he now feels alone again. MI2 in some ways was Guybrush at his lowest in the entire series, which makes Return all the more heartwarming when you see him with a family, finally happy and content. 


    I also think LeChuck knowing Guybrush grew up in an orphanage was also a somewhat subtle hint that LeChuck is a force and villain that embodies these negative feelings of Guybrush.


    Thank you for your reply! Your observation is very interesting!


    We don't know for sure if the whole "dancing skeletons / Guybrush being an orphan" plot was made up by Boybrush and Chuckie. We know that the "parents" whom we met in MI2 are just some random couple. but does that mean that the whole plot of Guybrush being an orphan was completely invented by Boybrush and Chuckie too? it's all not clear and very open to speculation...


    If Guybrush really is an orphan, it would make perfect sense that his evil alter ego (LeChuck) knows about it...


    All three of Ron Gilbert's Monkey Island games actually feel like a trilogy (similar to Star Wars)! MI2 is like Empire Strike's Back, and RtMI is akin to Return of the Jedi. Guybrush finally overcame his enemy, left behind his evil alter ego if you will, and found peace and happiness,.. 

    • Like 2
  5. 43 minutes ago, Thrik said:

    Is it possible to elaborate in greater detail on what makes the writer’s cut feel worse without literally going into each piece of extra dialogue?


    If you ask me, the additional dialogue is not very funny. It just makes certain parts of the game needlessly drag for too long. Too much dialogue usually makes the punchline of a joke or an otherwise funny situation less impactful and funny... That's just my opinion, perhaps there are other players who prefer the Writer's Cut version, but it made some parts of the game less enjoyable for me...

  6. 1 hour ago, Joe monsters said:

    This is where I think the game shines the most, in its narration and all the layers behind it.


    Yes, I absolutely love analyzing various layers and possible meanings of RtMI!


    I didn't consider that Guybrush might be talking to his younger self all the time! It's an interesting theory, but I don't think this was Ron and Dave's intent. If Boybrush is indeed Guybrush's imagined younger self, then how could we explain the fact that Boybrush interacts with Chuckie and Dee in the park? I think that Guybrush actually is telling the story to his son...


    Another interesting thing to note is that:


    Boybrush is similar to Guybrush;

    Chuckie is similar to LeChuck

    Dee is similar to the New Pirate Leader Lila.


    The similarities are curious...


    Furthermore, the scene with the wishing well suggests that the kids are still imagining some things in the Prelude. The Big Whoop scenery, at the very beginning, is of course imaginary, as it later disappears. However, the children might be still imagining some things afterward (like the wish at the wishing well). We can't even be absolutely sure where the Prelude actually takes place and what parts of it are real or not... Perhaps the Prelude is really happening in the same old pirate carnival as the one in the Ending (just a different part of it)? Did Bobrush feel trolled at the end, because his father's story ended in the same carnival where they were spending their day together? It might even be possible, (if you take the plaque on the wall in the final scene seriously), that the Threepwood family actually lives in our modern times (sometime after 1989, when the pirate carnival was established). They are just spending their day at the old carnival...


    And I love Elaine in RtMI! She is so gentle and kind. It seems natural to me that after many years of living with Guybrush, she learned to put up with her husband's nonsense and love him anyway. She does confront him about his misdeeds while they are walking through the jungle. Yet she does it in a very gentle and patient way. She almost acts like a mother figure toward Guybrush... We must remember that it is Guybrush telling a story to his little son, maybe that's why Elaine is presented by Guybrush in such a gentle and motherly fashion...


    I know some people see Elaine's character development in RtMI as a regression in relation to her previously firey and dominating nature. However, to me, this iteration of Elaine shows that she and Guybrush still tenderly love and accept each other, while following their separate goals. I think RtMI demonstrates a real growth of their marital relationship!   



    • Chef's Kiss 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, ThunderPeel2001 said:

    Do people play the "writer's edit"? Personally I love seeing the Pirates of Low Moral Fibre on Melee.


    I really enjoy the additional scene with The Old Pirate Leaders in the Writer's Cut mode! I think Ron and Dave should have left the scene in the normal mode!


    However, I don't generally like The Writer's Cut mode. In my opinion, the additional dialogues are unnecessary and disrupt the pacing of the game (the creators themselves admit that the Writer's Cut has worse pacing). So I always leave the option turned off in my playthroughs...

  8. On 9/23/2023 at 2:24 AM, Joe monsters said:

    So, there you have it, my messy review. Hope it was a bit enjoyable to read, at least.


    Thanks, it was a great read! I also love RtMI! I have completed the game at least six times already, and I can't get enough of it! I also expressed my thoughts about various aspects of the game! I posted my text below yours, please, read it if you'd like! :)

    • Like 1
  9. My thoughts on RtMI... I love the game! I've played it around six times since its premiere and I still can't get enough! On the surface level, it's a goofy game about pirates, but underneath, it is also a reflection on the art of storytelling.


    I adore the whole game, but I especially appreciate the Prelude and the Ending!


    I'm astounded by how smoothly they explained the ending of MI2 and transitioned to the new story! The framing device is a brilliant solution! I'm very impressed that Ron and Dave actually managed to explain the MI2 cliffhanger with a twist that nobody else had thought of earlier!


    And I thoroughly enjoy the deliberate ambiguity of the Ending. Guybrush is an unreliable narrator and the Ending makes us question what was real and what was not. I enjoy that Ron and Dave constructed the ending in such a way that leaves room for questions and interpretations! The makers promised to resolve the mysterious ending of MI2 and to reveal the Secret of Monkey Island, and they kept their promise, but they did it in a way that is ambiguous enough to make various interpretations equally plausible! Is Guybrush a flooring inspector with an overactive imagination, lost in his pirate fantasy in a theme park? Or is he really a pirate who told his son a story with a weird ending in order to troll him? It’s all open to debate... For me, the most resounding final statement of Guybrush is that The Secret is like a story that changes with time and the storyteller. The statement perfectly encapsulates the main theme of the game. The Secret might be a t-shirt in a carnival or a giant monkey robot or something else...


    RtMI strongly reminds me of Tim Burton’s “Big Fish” movie. It's a story of a man who tells fantastical tales about his life. His son tries to find out what about his father was real and what was not. it's difficult to separate fantasy from reality... Another movie with a similar theme to RtMI is “Princess Bride”. The film uses a framing story in which an elderly man reads a fantasy story to his young grandson (the grandson sometimes interrupts the story, just like Boybrush does in RtMI).


    RtMi is also a game about letting go and moving on with one's life. If Guybrush’s tales are indeed fictional (or mostly fictional), it implies that LeChuck was invented by Guybrush as an evil “alter ego”, a different side of Guybrush’s personality. Throughout the course of the game, we learn how alike Guybrush and LeChuck really are. LeChuck even has Elaine’s wedding veil in his cabin, which further reinforces the idea that LeChuck is really a different side of Guybrush.  Both Guybrush and LeChuck are obsessed with the Secret, they are both trapped in the past, while the world moves forward. However, only Guybrush is able to leave the pirate amusement park with his beloved wife in the end. The animatronic LeChuck is forever trapped there. People complain that there was no final confrontation with LeChuck this time around. However, I think that the fact that Guybrush makes a conscious decision to leave the amusement park fantasy behind and move on with his life is his greatest triumph over LeChuck. Whether Guynrush’s stories are real or not, he is happy with his loved ones in the end – that’s what’s most important.


    So, yeah, I really love pondering about RtMI, as much as Dee loves to talk about anchors!

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    • Chef's Kiss 4
  10. 3 minutes ago, NightWalker said:

    So, maybe in Monkey 1 and 2 the real park where Guybrush imagine everything was in the 90s... And maybe the pass of time for us (the players) has been true to the interal world of Monkey Island too... That's why Guybrush has a son and now, the park we see at the ending, maybe is in the 2022 too. Very interesting.


    I agree! That's how I see it too! The amusement park at the end seems very delapidated, so it's probably around 2022!

    • Like 1
  11. I finished it two days ago and I can't stop thinking about it!  How do you all interpret the ending when Guybrush finds out that he is at the amusement park?
    Are the adventures that Guybrush tells to his son real or imaginary? And is it all really happening in pirate times or in modern day? What's your take?


    I think it happens in modern time... The plaque on the wall at the end says that the amusement park was founded in 1989 by R. Gilbert. I think that Guybrush loved playing a pirate in the amusement park when he was a young man. And now he tries to convay the same passion to his son by telling him imaginary pirate stories.


    What's your take?


    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Torbjörn Andersson said:

    Replay? I finally got around to playing Maniac Mansion for the first time! And now I'm in the mapping phase (oh boy) of Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, which I also haven't played before. It remains to be seen if I'll find the time to finally play Thimbleweed Park before Return to Monkey Island is released.


    Oh, Zack McKracken and Thimbleweed Park are such great games! I highly recommend them! Enjoy your time with them, Torbjorn Andersson!

    • Like 1
  13. This is my schedule - I'm playing one game a month:


    April - Monkey Island 2: SE

    May - Sam  and Max Hit the Road

    June - Day of the Tentacle: Remastered

    July - Monkey Island 1: SE

    August - Curse of Monkey Island

    September - Escape from Monkey Island

    October - Tales of Monkey Island


    I hope that we will have a definite release date of Return to Monkey Island by the time I finish all the playthroughs.

  14. 8 hours ago, KestrelPi said:


    It's a process where audio is processed to be in its released form, and some of the things that might be involved, for example, include applying some equalisation and compression in order to make all the sounds which were recorded across several months and in 3 studios sound like they all come from the same game. There's a -little- bit of a grey area between mixing and mastering, especially when talking about music, but generally mastering is the stage after all the volume levels and FX processing and editing has been applied, the final piece of processing that needs to be done in order to ensure that everything sounds nice and consistent.


    So this means that they are almost done with the dialogues, right?

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, OzzieMonkey said:

    I'm dying to see Guybrush and some gameplay, along with a release date so I can plan my Monkey marathon

    Yes, I want to see Guybrush and LeChuck too! I'm already doing the Monkey Island marathon - one game a month. I will end with TOMI in August. I hope that by that time, we will have an RTMI release date! 

  16. 2 hours ago, KestrelPi said:

    well, if we take the idea of MI as Guybrush's childhood imagination (and I think there's a lot more evidence for that than just the ending of MI2, it's a constant theme through 1 and 2) and run with it, well, then in that case it doesn't MATTER if Guybrush wants to make tweaks and edits to his own canon. Want Murray to exist earlier in the story? No problem! etc etc. Maybe Monkey Island is more like a cluster of ideas rather than a coherent linear narrative.


    My own thought exactly! If it's all imaginary, then there is no problem with Guybrush making tweaks to his own head-canon. There would be no problem with him meeting Murray before COMI! Heck, even things like Herman Toothrot being Grandpa Marley or the Giant Monkey Robot under Monkey Island would suddenly make sense!

  17. 1 hour ago, Rum Rogers said:

    I suggest you have a look to the design document of the cancelled Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix.


    I'm intrigued! I've never heard about this canelled Indy game! Is there a webste or something where I can find more details about it?

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