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Paco last won the day on April 10 2024

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  1. Oh nice! That looks good. I'll be interested to see how it tackles the more complicated backgrounds. I am not smart enough to script, so I gave Dinky Explorer / Thimblemonkey a go and ripped some backgrounds and their elements. But it's probably even more difficult to put all those seperate elements & effects together. Started with LeShip, but kinda gave up half way through 😅 Pasting together screenshots is always an option as well. Perhaps a combination of both works best, to get rid of the characters while keeping most of the effects. I'll also play around with the aspect ratio to see what results that gives.
  2. Ahoy there, For a personal project I have been collecting artwork from all the Monkey Island games. I was wondering if anyone has attempted ripping the background artwork from Return to Monkey Island? There's some really beautiful background pans in the game. Online I can hardly find backgroundart from this game (without the characters in it). I attempted pasting together screenshots for some of the locations. However it's a painstaking task, as most of the environments feature a lot of moving background elements, like palmtrees, water, clouds, ships bouncing up and down. I'll share some of my attempts. far from perfect, but it shows how beautiful these backgrounds look in their wholeness. But if anyone has some tips on where to find more backgroundart from Return, it would be much appreciated.
  3. Ahoy there, I also always liked this promotional image from Escape. It has a nice atmosphere, but I could never find a decent sized version somewhere online. I used some upscaling software and tried to clean up the image a little bit, best as I could. It's far from perfect but looks allright. Also boosted the colors up a little bit; thought I would share my experiment:
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