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Samuel Dravis

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    i really love topo chico
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    philosophy, tai chi, performing improv comedy, drawing, piano, ladies
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    call center supervisor. be nice please!
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    full throttle and mysteries of the sith
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  1. On 53 - I must disagree. The cross is not an argument, no. It is a statement - but the crucifixion narratives I would contend put forward an argument. The ins-and-outs of it can be debated till the cows come home, but its existence there is, I would say, undeniable - and the argument is, I think, both concluded and completed by the crucifixion itself.


    As for 44 (going in the wrong order. :p ) - I think the problem is not so much with Christianity alone, but with the misunderstanding of, for example, morality as an objective thing, in the way, say, truth might be said to be a thing. I think it's a problem caused by an ignorance of meta-ethics.


    And to 33 - well, most of the time Christ seems to have found the Apostles pretty wearisome. :D Perhaps you do need to live like Jesus in order to be at peace, but I suspect rather than acting like him, following his teaching is more likely to achieve that. In any case, do you really want a load of people running around performing their own interpretations of casting money-lenders out of temples and demons out of people? X_x


    I'll have a look at those other paragraphs at some point.

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