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Blessèd Sith

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  1. I used to hate being a cook, and I liked being a Chef and then I hated that too... I was actually going to get out of the industry. But I had to keep working to pay the bills... but now I love work :D


    Life? <___< I, uh, don't really have one... One of my friends and I are plotting to spread the vegan gospel XD We're going against Breast Cancer, and instead of "find a cure", we're going for "here's a preventative so you don't have to get cancer in the first place". All those medical orgs are there for are grants and money X___X You don't get money by finding cures, because then they don't need anymore research, which means the cashflow dries up. No one makes money of healing; so anyway, yeah, I can go on tangents for hours about the corruption of the medical community and the government, but suffice it to say, we're gonna get in contact with naturalpaths and stuff, and preach healthy living for a healthy life ^___^


    And that is my life. Cooking and ARA o__O

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