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Found 1 result

  1. Hello everyone! When I think of the great graphic adventure games by LucasArts, I can't help but remember my first experience with them. I recall having to play them in English, as in my country, only versions directly from the United States were available. Back then, I wondered: why didn’t they release these games in my language? Over time, with the rise of the internet, I discovered that there were versions of these games across different platforms and in various languages. So, I set out to gather all the LucasArts games in my native language, but after some time, I asked myself an even bigger question: "Isn't there someone in every country who also wanted to play these games in their own language?" With that thought in mind, I embarked on an even more ambitious mission: to preserve the great LucasArts classics in all their official versions, in every language they were released in. It’s been over 20 years since that journey began, and today, after much effort, I’m sharing with you the summary of what I’ve been able to gather so far. However, I would love your help: if anyone has information or knowledge of a game that I haven’t been able to find on my list, I would greatly appreciate any insights. It’s important to clarify that this search is focused exclusively on official game versions. While there are fantastic fan translations created by enthusiasts, my goal is to ensure that all the official games, across all platforms and languages, are accounted for. I truly appreciate any contribution you can make to help complete this project and ensure that these great LucasArts classics aren’t forgotten, but continue to be accessible to everyone in their original languages. Thank you for your support!
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