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NPC Conversations-Please Read!-

Shado Vorn

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Ok, mostly everyone knows that conversations occasionaly occur between your party members, but not everyone knows who can do it, and how many convos they will have. My question, is who all can have conversations with eachother, and how many conversations do they have in all?


This is what I've seen so far -

Carth and Bastilla - 2 conversations

Bastilla and Canderous - 1 conversation

Carth and Canderous - 1 conversation

Jolee and Bastilla - 1 conversation

Jolee and Carth - 1 conversation

Bastilla and Mission - 1 conversation

Mission and Carth - 2 conversations

Mission and Zaalbar - 2 conversations


That's all I've seen so far. Is there anyone out there who's seen conversations I haven't? I'd really like to see HK and T3 have one lol.

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