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Level 3 / raft session

Guest Kerem Uzunoglu

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Guest Kerem Uzunoglu

By Level 3, I picked the thinks on the way, then I shoot the soldiers on the border, I entered the tower, took the unblowed raft and raft repairing kit. But now I can't use the raft and there is some containers in the room, which you can move. Should I do something with this containers. Could anybody help me about passing this section.

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Guest Crusher

Selam dostum,

Eðer o rafti bulup aldýysan gerisi kolay. Yakýnlarýnda bi yerlerde nehir kýyýsý olacak oraya yürüyerek yaklaþabildiðin kadar yaklaþ

ve esc'ye basýp rafti seç ve enter'a bas böylece Indy rafti açar dikkatli ol nehir baya kasacak!

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i think i know where you are, but i'm not sure. If you already have the raft that means that you have pulled the crates to get to the venting. Now all you have to do is use the raft. Go to the edge of the water (watch out, you can fall in) and press escape. Move the selection to the raft and Press Ctrl, not enter. I made that problem before. If you only press enter it won't do anyting. IF you press Ctrl it will actualy use the raft. Then you're on your way. I hope this helps somewhat.

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