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Introduction to SWG Yellow Pages....


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I just wanted to let the good people of SWG know that I have created a Yellow Pages JUST for SWG and ALL Servers of SWG.


Visit http://www.wecentral.com to view the Yellow Pages or add your listings. There is also many other features already created and more that I am working on.


My newest project I am working on is a fully functional PA Management Database Console. For everything to maintain your PA outside of the game. Including personal message boards/personal clan page (updateable by the PA leader)/private chat rooms/member roster/apply for membership form/rivals/allies/etc...


Go check out what is already created (mainly the SWG Yellow Pages) and let me know what you think about the PA Management System .. all at http://www.wecentral.com


Thanks for your time,

--Xyrex DeMaladorz


SWGs First Public Photo Gallery and Yellow Pages at http://www.wecentral.com


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