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Giant Robot has you down in Nub's Tomb? Read on.

Guest Wes Janson

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Guest Wes Janson

Killing the Robot is actually VERY easy. You just need some finess.


First, once the dude wakes up, pull out Taklit's part and make yourself invisible. This ensures that he can't shoot you. Just dodge the big feet! Be careful, though. He can still 'sense' you and will follow you haphazardly.


Now, you'll notice four metal platforms embedded in the ground that surrounds the center tomb. Next to each platform is a switch. You activate them with Nub's part. That sends a surge of energy to the platform that electricutes you if you accedently jump on it.


The trick is to keep the Robot on the oposite side of the room as you "de-cloak". Thankfully, the Robot's weapons can't go through walls. Once you DO de-cloak, get out Nub's part and energize that platform. Quickly acces Taklit's part and cloak yourself up again. Don't risk jumping over the electrified plate. Just run inside the center chamber though another opening. Just remember to energize the platforms ONE AT A TIME! It's time consuming, but you'll increase your chances of living though the battle.


While cloaked, simply wait for the Robot walk up next to you. Once he steps onto the platform, he'll get hit with a surge of electricity. Now, repeate this tactic 4 more times, and you should prevail without a scratch.


Once he's down, climb up the center tomb housing and use the Robot's carcas as a bridge to acces the upper catwalk. Go over to the switch next to the stone carving embedded in the wall. Hit it, follow the trail in the next room, and watch the plot suddenly twist. ;-)


(Once you find Taklit's part, you'll notice that it makes the boss battles that much easier.)


A lot of people seem to have trouble with this guy, so here's a good tactic in full.


- Janson

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