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i dodged the giant boulder and it crused oopen the wall, so i walked out, but nothing happens the level like doesn't end, is there a way to end the level, or is this suppossed to happen?




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I had this same problem when I tried to stand back and let the boulder pass by. You need to make a run for the exit after it first goes behind you. Use your whip over the chasm and then again in the doorway to climb up out of the way of the boulder when it comes back through and breaks through the wall.

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no i already did that...i'm saying after you clmb up and let the boulder destroy the wall, when i go outside via the destroyed wall...nothing will happen, the level won't end, is this suppossed to happen?




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Maybe it is a bug. When I climbed up the ladder to let the boulder pass me and break the wall, Indy just walked out and said something archaic and the level ended.

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I read many other posts from players who had this very same problem. Personally I didn't experiance it. (Thankfully) I think I walked over to the jeep or something, the level ended and I went back to whatever it was I was at when I first bought the map. There is a patch available, or call LucasArts.






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