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Is it me or is this game very BUGGED?

Guest Aidan

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Every time I read other peoples posts They say about a bug in the game! Everyone seems to have Bugs, is mine the only one that dosen't? I haven't had a single problem with mine.

everyone whos had a bug please tell me, I'm curios to know what's going wrong.


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Guest Damian

Actually I didn't have a single problem either. I thought the game was great.





Fear is the path to the darkside.


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Guest Damian

Oops. I remember I did have one problem. The Ice Guardian got stuck on a wall so I couldn't kill him. I simply had to reload a savegame and kill him before he moved up onto that wall.





Fear is the path to the darkside.


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Well qeuss what! I've just got a BUG, on the Last level! after the cut scene the screen just freezes! and I can't go anywhere I can move Indy about but the screen won't follow BUMMER!

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I have had several bugs it seems. The first one i am not sure is a bug but i could never jump to the radio tower. The second one came at the end of the second level when there is a little episode with that fat Dr. Volodnikov. My screen froze and i can't do anything about it. I ended up getting a saved game. Another bug that always comes up is when indy doesn't fall down off of a side and then he freezes. Luckly they did have a solution for that one. F10 then fixme. There must be something wronge with my set-up even though i have all the requirments. I guess you can tell i have anger towards this game. IT would be such a cool one if i didn't have these problems. i think they tried to ruch out the game for christmas and didn't look it over.


[This message has been edited by JuJu (edited January 08, 2000).]

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i'm at 4th block right now and near this ice monster. i've used urgon's part once and then saved. now wherever and however i use this part again, after some seconds game freezes. it's the momend ice monster dies i think. i've been trying to run around, shoot the gun, just stand idle and let him step on me.. nothing works.. in few seconds game freezes. i'm using win95, TNT, CL SB Live! and keyboard for control. i've got 128M memory and about 1G free space on hard drive.

after this thing freezes i get a mouse cursor and can find on bottom of screen my windows taskbar, where is 'Jones 3D' AND 'Asset Manager'. latter one says: 'something.c(368) (some conditions about sound and actor)'. and OK button. when i press this, game kicks my butt saying that i have problems in my KERNEL32.DLL file. that's just crazy.. anybody can help me or point me direction where i can get some help?


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The Sergeant and Captains things I think are rankings based on number of posts.





Fear is the path to the darkside.


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Guest JR2000Z

There was a bug in the Russion ship where I can pull the crete THROUGH some barrles.I never knew how to do it the REAL way.



Hey,I'm always right!

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