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SWG Guide advertised is fraud please remove their advertising


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Their site claims the following:


This Star Wars Galaxies guide will show you how to make 85,000 credits per HOUR right from the start and up to 250,000 credits per hour once you get weapon specialization. Even the developers have admitted this is possible and we'll show you how. In addition, you'll learn how to make 95,000 exp/hour (our new NO RISK method making fast exp) and 5,000 faction points per hour at almost no risk to yourself. Not only is this extremely important to your character development but we'll show you how to use this method to make great friends on your server.


This is all false and they offer no such thing. Do not subscribe or you too will have to go through the process of canceling your payment or will lose your money.


Please stop advertising for them as they are a band of liars and thieves.

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I have already told them about this. Funny thing is they will close your thread if you post a link to a cheat site or if you post how to do something that is considered a cheat but they link to this cheat site. I don't understand it. It appears to be some kind of link exchange with Google so I'm sure they did not pick which sites they link to but it would only take about 1 minute to change the html so that link did not show up.

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^Exactly...I can't stand Cheaters/Exploiters lookin for the quick fix. I've been offered to partake in many previous exploits by players I'll leave unmentioned. However, that's not the way the game was meant to be played. I'd rather have my status be an earned one.

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