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Olmec Valley and torch problem

Guest Tom Solo

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Guest Tom Solo


I´m now in this pyramid with these big doors,

just befor the giant snake but I can´t get the torches beside thedoors on.


I´ve stuck there for two weeks now, please help .



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Tom, you must be inthe square room withthe statue in the center. There is a walkway around the room at an upper level. You mentioned snake, but I don't think it'd the big mamma behind one of the doors, as you said they would not open. I had no problems here, but you'll want to light the torches behind the statue first. Just make sure you try several angles when facing the torches when you hit the Ctrl key to activate the lighter. When that door opens there's nothing in there but a pressure plate....walk over it and then head for the other door and light those. Hold on tight because the huge serpent will be waiting for you. Saving your game many times in this area is a must. This is probably the hardest section of the level to beat. You'll have to move fast and precisely to kill the serpent...only the spikes coming up from the floor will kill him...weapons do no good. Give that suggestion a try and see if your doors open. I have seen no one reporta bug in the game at this location. If not, repost your problem. Good luck.


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