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GREAT DISCOVERY (kicks with single saber and much more)


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Ah, okay, sorry: I was in the Mos Eisley level. It happened in one of the rooms on the second floor, where you have to disable the two tractor beams. It's the room with C-3P0 and R2-D2. I managed to knock one of the Weequays into a corner. While he was on the ground, I continually kicked (I was in melee mode), and somehow, I pressed something that made me do a roundhouse.

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A roundhouse?

You mean the staff spin kick?


Well the kick moves are, with the melee cheat.


Using your saber, front kick and side kicks (this kicks happen because with that cheat, the player consider the other characters as walls)


Using punch, all the staff kicks.


Seems that nobody care about the new single saber move i found.

Its really cool you should try it (its above).

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