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Skinning the demo???


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I was screwing around today, to see if I could make a new PK3 including a new player head for the demo, just as a test...

oddly enough it seemed just as straight forward as skinning for JO until I tried loading the demo. In the loading consle (the black and yellow screen that briefly pops up when you run a Q3 engine game) I get a "Corrupt PK3" error when it attempts to access the new archive. I'm doing the PK3's the same way as I've always done w/ JO, making a ZIP & renaming the extention to PK3. Tried every compression method in WinRAR, even DLed WinZip to no avail. Does anyone know if this is just a goofy quirk of the demo, or will we have to wait for the SDK to skin/mod the actual game? Any insight would be *shweet* especially if anyone has been able to successfully modify any demo data!

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Raven obviously decided they didn't want us to mod the demo, so they made the program do a check to verify that there are no extra PK3's and that the checksums and other data in the original pk3 are the same as when you installed it.





But visit here and try some cheating instead!




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